How May and Isaac Met

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(Isaac's POV)

"Go play on the swings, sweetheart", my mother said.
I went over to the swings and saw a girl sitting there, crying.
"Um, are you okay?", I asked her. "Not really", she responded.
I sat down next to her, "what happened?", I asked her. "My dog died", she responded in between sobs. I felt horrible. Losing a pet is a bad experience, I'm only 8, but I know that, atleast. I got up from my swing and got behind her's and started swinging. She looked up at me with confusion in her eyes. "I'm Isaac, and from this day on, you are my new friend!", I cheerfully told her.
"I'm May." She responded.
From that day on, we've been inseparable. We went to school together, got in trouble together, passed grades together, and hung out together.
So this, ladies and gentlemen, is how I fell in love with my best friend.

How I Fell In Love With My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now