Everything's Fine. Everything's Perfect.

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Something was off.

Isabelle was flighty and anxious all morning, and took the stairs two at a time on the way to breakfast.

Simon grabbed her arm, gazing into her eyes seriously. "Hey. Are you all right?"

"Sure," She said, trying to escape, but all the shadowhunter training was paying off, it seemed, for his grip on her arm was firm.


"Everything's fine," She kissed his cheek. That shut him up. "Everything's perfect."


Breakfast, cooked and served by Clary, was surprisingly good; syrup laden pancakes, with a hint of lemon juice. Just the way Isabelle liked it.

"Someone's happy," Jace said, smiling at the tune Clary whistled cheerfully.

"Everyone's happy." She said in reply.

I'm not happy, Isabelle clutched the end on the tablecloth anxiously.

"Magnus especially. He got a new tub of purple glitter." Alec said, trying not to look too directly at the glitter on Magnus' hair, for fear of being blinded.

I should be happy.

"I'm happy," Jace said, leaning back. "As long as Magnus doesn't sit next to me at lunch."

Simon's happy,

Why aren't I?

Isabelle tried not to think of the permanently implanted image of Simon turning his back on her.


God, Simon thought, why won't she smile?

All his attempts at conversations were brushed off quietly. They were going on a goddamned shopping trip, but Isabelle was distracted, anxious. Simon frowned. Sad.

When they departed the bus, Simon hastily pulled Isabelle from the mall.

"Simon-" She said, panicked. What was he doing?

"Shh," He dragged her to a park, sitting her down underneath a tree, taking his backpack out. "We're-" How did he make Isabelle happy? What made her happy?

He had a sudden and rather odd picture of Jace pushing Clary up a tree, so he did just that. Isabelle seemed to like it, so he kept on going.

"Simon," She murmured against his lips. Oh, how long she had been waiting for this. She barely even wondered where this sudden burst of confidence had come from as she tangled her fingers in his hair. She felt dizzy, as if this was just another dream, but the soft groan from Simon said otherwise.

They heard something from above them, looking up to an infuriated, to say the least, mother, covering a little boy's eyes with her hand, which was shaking as if she wanted to slap them.

"This is a public area! There are little kids here! Go somewhere else, and take your damned teenage hormones with you!" She said, storming off.

Isabelle bit her lip, but Simon was already laughing, and she couldn't help but join him, pressing her face against her hands to try and muffle the sounds; the lady was looking at them with narrowed eyes.

She took Simon's hand, glancing at the lady. "Let's go somewhere else,"

Simon followed Isabelle through the small clearing in the trees, her dark curtain of hair blowing into his face. They reached a lake- Simon assumed- with a bridge running through the middle. Complete with the long willowy trees, it made quite a nice picture.

"I never knew about this," Simon said, looking around.

"Not many people do." Isabelle said. She had discovered it when she was little, and lost in the woods. Eventually Maryse had found her, but hadn't scolded her too much, as much stunned by the beauty as Isabelle.

They leaned against the railing on the bridge; Simon put his arm around Isabelle, who was shivering from the strong wind that whipped their faces. They stayed silent a bit, and Isabelle almost lost herself in the bliss of ignorance, forgetting about the dream, until she realized Simon was shaking, almost like the wind had blown him over the edge.

"What's- why are you shaking?" She asked, turning to look at him. He looked angry, sad, lost.

"You- you got up last night, I heard you. And then, this morning, the whole day-" He shook his head sadly. "What's wrong, Isabelle?"

She looked at him levelly. "I had a dream."

"Some dream," Simon muttered, pain written all over his face.

"A nightmare," Isabelle amended. "You were- you ran away from me. And then there was this gaping tunnel, and you went into it, and-" The words came out of her in a rush, along with bitter tears of grief and anger. "I found you dead. I didn't make it in time, Simon! I failed, I always fail. And it's never me who pays, it's the people I love."

"No," Simon whispered desperately, a stray tear making it's way out of his eye. "That's not true-"

"Why don't you tell that to Max!" She exclaimed, gripping the bridge desperately. "I heard something then- in the dream. Someone was laughing, and I woke up before I could see them but-" She bit her lip, lowering her voice to a whisper. "It was Asmodeus."

Simon sucked in a breath. "No. You didn't see them, and even if it was him, it was just a dream-"

"I know it was him! Who else would it be? Simon, he might come back," She whispered. "What if it's a sign?"

Simon shook his head. "No. Only Magnus gets these dreams, and he would tell us if it was true. Izzy- Isabelle. Look at me,"

She did, reluctantly, and bit her lip to keep herself from crying again.

"Everything's fine," He said, taking her face into his hands, kissing her softly. "Everything will be fine."

She relaxed into him, returning his kisses. "Everything's perfect."

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