I'm a Shadowhunter Now

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Simon took a deep breath before entering the house. Clary followed him to the living room, where Simon's mom, Jocelyn and Luke were waiting.

"Hey." Simon said. Clary smiled, encouraging him.

Jocelyn invited him in, and he sat on the chair next to Luke.

Simon's mother started.

"Okay, Simon, I imagine it must have been a bit of a shock to you, as it is to me-"

"Actually-" Simon began.

"-but I need you to explain to me how you and Clary got involved." She continued as if no-one had interrupted her.

Clary decided to speak up, feeling defensive of Simon. "In case you're worrying if we started hanging out with gangs and taking pot-"

"Clary. It's okay." Simon put a hand on her arm.

Clary sighed. "We were at the Pandemonium. Jace, Isabelle and Alec were there. There was a boy- a demon, disguised as a boy- and Isabelle was luring him into a room to kill him. No-one else could see them. I followed him- the demon- into the room, and I saw them kill it. Simon called the bouncers, but they thought I was crazy. Then, when Simon and I were having coffee, Jace came to take me to the institute. I wasn't meant to be able to see them. That was when-" Clary stopped at the last part.

"I called Clary and told her not to come home. There was a demon- Clary heard it when I was on the phone. It took me to Valentine. Clary came home anyway." Jocelyn finished for her.

Clary explained the rest of how she met Jace, then went on to describe how Simon found out. When they were finished, Simon's mom nodded, then asked how Simon became a vampire.

"Well-" Simon explained the rest of it to his mother, then told her everything that had happened between now and Simon's transformation.

When he was done, it was dark, and his mother was momentarily stunned. "I'm- uh, sorry, for you know-"

She was cut off by Simon, hugging her.

"It's okay."

Simon's mom asked about his new shadowhunter friends. At that moment, Clary noticed something stirring behind the window. She gave a little cry.

"What is it?" Jocelyn asked her, concerned. Clary pointed to the window.

Magnus, Alec and Isabelle burst through. Magnus was singing something and crying out: "Alec, my love! Where is my goldfish!"

Alec and Isabelle were trying to pull him back, both red faced.

"I-I'm sorry! He's drunk." Alec said, giving Magnus one last push.

"He and Bat were playing a game. Who can drink the most fastest." Isabelle stated dryly.

Magnus fell unconscious.

"Oh, dear." Jocelyn said.

Simon turned his head up, praying this was a dream.

"Simon? These are your friends?" Simon's mother asked.

"No! Well- yes, but they aren't like this. Magnus is normally great, I promise." Simon said.

A moment later, Jace came in, seraph blade blazing in his hand.

"Where are they?" He asked, eyes wide.


"The leprechauns!"

Simon face-palmed.

"He's drunk too." Isabelle explained. Jocelyn gave Clary a stern look.

"Mum-" Clary began.

"Clary, help me prepare two beds. Luke and Simon, carry them to the bedrooms. I'm sorry about this, Elaine." Jocelyn ordered. Everyone obeyed; there was something about getting ordered by Jocelyn that made you do whatever it was that she told you to do.

Half an hour later, Magnus and Jace were in bed, Alec and Isabelle were sitting at a table sipping tea with Clary, Jocelyn and Luke were taking a break and Simon was standing awkwardly in the hallway with his mother.

"You were a vampire, then a curse, then a hero and then a normal person, Simon." Elaine said. "What are you now?"

Simon took a long look at her. "I'm a shadowhunter now."

Elaine nodded. They stayed quiet for a while, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. Simon was more at peace with his mother than he had been for a while.

"I still love you." Elaine whispered.

"I love you too." Simon hugged his mother, and she rested her head on his shoulder; he was taller than her now.

Isabelle, who had seen this little moment, put a hand to her face and realised she was crying.

Someone put their arms around her, and she saw that it was Alec. Feeling as if she had just been caught stealing something precious and dangerous, she looked away and hugged her brother back.


Isabelle watched Simon as he slept. His mouth was open slightly, but he didn't drool. Or snore. He was like the perfect sleeper. She'd wanted to apologise about Magnus and Jace, but the words seemed to stick in her throat every time he looked at her.

She had to look away and pretend to be pre-occupied when she spoke to him in order to form coherent speech. God, Isabelle thought, he must think I'm not looking him in the eye on purpose. He looked exactly the same as he had before, but the things inside were not. She wondered how much of her he remembered, and if there was ever a chance for them again.

The heart-breaker's heart was broken.

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