:: Scott x Female!Reader - Childhood Memories - PRT. 4::

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:: So, I'm not losing motivation for the stories, I'm just having trouble with coming up with plots. Please forgive me for the VERY slow updates! ::

:: September 15th, 1982 ::

   As we entered into the restaurant, I had butterflies in my stomach. Not because of the crowded building, but just because I had never been on a date before and I didn't know the outcome. Scott was a nice guy, don't get me wrong, but we both are super awkward and never know what to say. The place we were at was an Italian restaurant. I heard it was very delicious and the service was great, but I had never actually eaten here.

   I heard Scott's last name being called and we both got up, walking over to the Host. He smiled at us and lead us to our table for two. I couldn't help but look around at the other couples and families dining there. Everyone looked so rich and so fancy, and I felt so.. so poor. Scott shouldn't have taken me here, I feel uncomfortable.

   We arrive at our table and we sat across from each other, the host laying our menus on the tables in front of us. He shot us another smile, then walked away back to the front to accompany the other guests. I immediately looked down at my menu, reading the name of the restaurant. "Emilia," I read out loud. Scott had been looking off in the direction of the band, now turning to look at me.

   "Isn't it nice?" he asked. I shrugged, looking up at him. "I suppose. I'm not used to fancy restaurants so you'll have to forgive me." Scott nodded, an understanding expression on his face. He looked down at his menu, as did I.

   We both opened our menus at the same time, yet flipped the pages at different paces. He seemed to stop on a page with various wine bottles and fancy drinks, while I just looked for the cheapest thing. I felt bad for making Scott pay for my meal, but I suppose that's how a date goes. After a few minutes of us not talking, our waitress came, pen and notebook in band. "Greetings, my name is Samantha and I'll be your waitress for tonight. May I start you folks with something to drink?"

   Scott looked over at her, a smile present on his face. "I'll a bottle of your finest Chardonnay, please." Sam wrote it down, then looked over at me. "And for you, miss?" I looked down at the menu, looking for the cheapest drink. "I'll just take a water, please." Sam wrote my drink order down too, then walked off without another word.

   I looked back to Scott and nearly busted out into laughter from his facial expression. He had his eyes crossed with his tongue sticking out. I had to put a hand over my mouth to prevent from laughing. He started to chuckle when he noticed my reaction, his face returning back to normal. He reached up and adjusted his glasses.

   "Why did you make that face?" I asked, uncovering my mouth and resting my arms on the table. He shrugged, his smile fading. "You looked sad and uncomfortable, so I wanted to make you feel a little bit better. Based on your reaction, it looked like it worked." I nodded, understanding what he was saying. Honestly, it did help a little.

   He kept talking about different things when Sam came back with our drinks. She set them in front of us, then rest a hand on her hip. I smiled up at her, then took a sip of my water while Scott took the wine bottle and opened it, pouring some into his glass. "Have you both decided what you want to eat?" I stopped what I was doing and looked over at her.

   We were so caught up in joking about random things that I haven't even had time to look at the menu. Scott, however, knew exactly what he wanted to eat. He told Sam what he wanted to eat, while I hurried through trying to find something inexpensive, but delicious. Before I could find what I was looking for, Sam spoke up. "I assume you just want the salad miss?"

   I looked up at her, a confused expression on my face. Scott kept watching me, waiting for my response. He must have not heard what she said. It took me a moment to process what she said before I became very self-conscious about myself. "Yes, I'll just take the salad."

   I could see Sam smirk before she took up our menus, then walked off. I thought tonight was suppose to be happy and fun, not depressing and sad. I looked down at the table and just listened to the music playing in the distance. Scott noticed my sudden change in attitude and frowned. "(Y/N), what's wrong?"

   I shrugged. I had to lie to him. If I didn't, I would feel horrible. "I just ordered something that was expensive." Scott's expression changed again. He fell for it.

   "Sweetheart, no worries! I have enough!" I put on a fake smile, hoping he wouldn't notice. After a while of waiting, Sam came back with our food. I had barely touched my water, yet Scott had almost finished his drink. She set our foods down in front of us, smiled at Scott, then left. 

   Scott grinned at me, then looked down at his food to start eating. I grinned back at him and eyed the salad, but I couldn't eat it. Scott immediately noticed this and put his fork down. "Okay, now something is definitely wrong. Tell me whats going on so I can fix it." I shook my head, forcing my hand to go to the fork.

    "I was praying." I noticed Scott frown. "You told me five minutes ago that you don't have a religion. (Y/N), please tell me what's going on." I looked up at him. Every part of my body was telling me to lie, to say something to distract him, but either way he would find out.

   "Scott, do you think I'm overweight?" I blurted out. Scott stared at me, his eyes widening slightly. He stood up from his seat. Oh god, he's going to leave and let me pay for the bill.

   My mind blanked out and I didn't see him walk towards me. I was about to start rambling when I felt a pair of soft lips on mine. My eyes closed and I melted into the kiss, feeling a hand on my neck to pull me closer. It last for a couple of seconds, but it felt like a couple of minutes. When we pulled away, my face heated up as I stared back at Scott, his face also a burning crimson red.

   "(Y/N), you are the funniest, prettiest, most talented individual I have ever met. Whatever our waitress says about you means nothing. She clearly is just here for the money and not for the guest experience. Don't bring yourself down, alright?" I watched him for a moment before leaning forwards and kissing him quick.

   "Okay." We both chuckled. Scott stood back up and headed back to his seat. We both started eating again, my mind racing with thousands of memories of Scott and I. It wasn't long, however, that Sam had returned and handed Scott our bill. She gave me a fake smile, so I gave one back.

   My confidence was stronger than ever and she noticed this. Her fake smile dropped and she huffed, turning and leaving. Scott also noticed this and he gave me a genuine smile. "God, you are so pretty." I looked over at him, my face red now.

   "Thank you, Scott." He left the money on the table, no tip for the rude comments, and we left the restaurant. He looked at me. "No problem (Y/N). I'll take you home, alright?" I nodded, wrapping my arms around his arm as we walked to his car.

   The whole drive was a blur. From the time we arrived to the restaurant, to the kiss, to now. I still can't believe this has happened. Though, to be fair, this evening was crazy, but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it because I had Scott's company there with me.

   We had arrived at my place at around eight. He parked and I got out, a smile on my face. "Thank you again, Scott. I had such a great time tonight." Scott smiled back at me. "No problem, (Y/N). I'll see you in the future, alright?" I nodded, waving goodbye to him as I closed the door.

   I turned on my heel, heading to my front door quickly. When I turned back around, Scott was waving at me and I waved back. He then drove off. I watched him leave and a little part of me never wanted this night to end. I headed inside my house, closed the door, and leaned against it, my heart pounding in my chest. "I sure as heck was sleeping well tonight.

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