:: Michael Afton X Female!Manager!Reader - Just like his father ::

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:: (Y/N) - Your Name ::
:: (L/N) - Last Name ::
:: (F/A) - Favorite Animatronic ::

:: In this AU, William and Henry are dead. I'll be working on 4 stories at a time so please work with me: My OC's birthday, A Christmas fanfic, Scott PRT. 3, and Henry PRT. 4. ::

:: October 31, 2018 - Modern AU ::

  "WHO," a voice shouted, causing the attention of many employees and customers. (Y/N) looked up from her office desk and sighed, taking off her glasses. "Not this again." She stood up from her desk and walked to the door, opened it, and stepped out. The first thing she noticed was a crowd of people near the front desk.

   (Y/N) headed over in that direction. She honestly was never in a good mood, mainly because it was it was a Friday and she was off tomorrow. Well, everyone was, but it meant she didn't have to deal with paperwork. Another reason she was never in a good mood, she never got any sleep. So, you can imagine what being angry all the time is like, especially when it effects your co-workers.

   She shoved past the crowd of people to see Vincent, the head security guard, Scott, the assistant manager, and someone else. Vince was glaring up at the man, while Scott was holding him back. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and walked forwards. "What's going on here," asked (Y/N), crossing her arms. She saw Scott tense up, as well as the man.

   Vincent slowly turned around, facing her. "This man claims that he is William's son and requests that he see William." (Y/N) winced at the mention of her former boss's name. She looked at the man. TO be honest, he sort of looked like William and he was... purple?

   As if answering her thought, he soon spoke. "I'm purple because of a recent incident. Don't worry though, I'm okay." He smiled at her, his brown hair falling some in front of his face. (Y/N) smiled back at him.

   She looked at Vincent and sighed. "I'll talk to him myself. From now on, if something like this happens, just come get me. Okay?" He hesitated, but nodded, sighing and walking off.

   (Y/N) turned to look at the crowd. "Alright! Ladies and gentlemen, please go back to where you were stationed and/or eating. Thank you!" Everyone headed back to either a table, the arcade, or to the kitchen to continue working on the food.

   Once everyone had left and gone back to minding their own business, (Y/N) turned to looked back at the man. "Okay, I'm going to be honest, I have no idea who you are but follow me. We can talk more about why your here and why you look like William." The man just chuckled, nodding. (Y/N) turned on her heel and led him back to her office.

   They walked into the office and she closed the door behind him, heading over to her chair and sitting. The man sat down in front of her. Now that they were settled and not running around frantically, (Y/N) got a better look at him. His brown hair was sort of spiked up, his eyes were sort of dead looking, his skin was a very light purple, and he was beautiful- I MEAN BRITISH. HE WAS BRITISH.

   The man, however, was snapping his fingers in her face, trying to get her attention. "Ms. (L/N)?" (Y/N) blinked herself back to reality, looking to the man. "S-Sorry. Wait- How do you know my last name?"

   He pointed to the name tag on her desk and she chuckled nervously. "Right. I forgot about that. So, what's your name?" "My name is Michael Afton."

   "So, you are an Afton? What's that like?" Michael was confused. "What do you mean?" (Y/N) shifted in her seat. "What's the rich life like? You know, bragging that you have money, getting everything you want, always getting the chicks, have William Afton as your Dad?"

   Michael shrugged. "I don't know. I never really had that kind of life. I mean- don't get me wrong, but, just because Will is my dad and because he's rich doesn't mean I have an empty heart and that I'm selfish." (Y/N) was silent for a bit, then spoke up, "Sorry."

   "It's alright. So, how long have you been manager?" "Not long, maybe a month or two. Henry passed away, then your Dad. Though, I feel like Scott should be manager instead of me.."

   Michael leaned in some, listened to (Y/N). She continued on rambling about William and Henry, almost to the point where she started crying. Luckily, Michael stopped her before that could happen. "Hey, don't worry about them. It's alright!"

   She looked up at him. "(Y/N), just because Scott may have more experience than you doesn't mean that you can't learn just as much as he did. Sure, you'll need some training, but you can do that at a later time. Please, stop worrying about this." Michael stood up and grabbed her hands, holding them.

   (Y/N) looked at their hands, then back up at Michael. Her face was a light pink shade. She nodded and smiled at Michael. "A-Alright, thank you." He nodded and let go of her hands, heading towards the door.

   "No problem. I left my number there on the desk so if you need anything else, just let me know. Good day, Ms. (L/N)." Then, he was gone from her office. She looked to where he was sitting mere seconds ago, grabbed the paper, then set it in her drawer for later keeping. "Just like his father," she said, leaning back into her seat.

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