21 : ̗̀➛ they have a nightmare

Start from the beginning

Giyu Tomioka:
Poor boi here dreamt that you left him because of his lack of affection that he didn't know was occurring.
Giyu was returning from a mission. He felt like complete garbage, the mission was extremely tiring. He opened the door to find you sitting on a chair next to the dining table.
"Y/n?" He asked.
You looked at him but didn't smile. Giyu was taken aback.
"Is everything alrigh-"
"No! Everything isn't alright!" You screamed.
Giyu flinched a bit. He then noticed a suitcase next to you.
"Are you leaving? Why?!" Giyu asked a bit desperately.
"Isn't it obvious? I gave you everything I had to offer! I gave you my love, my heart, and what do I get? Nothing. You've never showed me affection more than twice!" You screamed, tears gliding down your face.
Giyu went pale. He didn't mean for that to happen, he cared for and loved you deeply.
"Please, stay. I'll show you as much affection as you want! Just don't lea-"
"It's too late, I'm sorry." You cried silently.
You walked out and slammed the door closed.
That's when Giyu sat up, sweating profusely. You reached and touched his arm, trying to comfort him.
"It's okay. It was only a nightmare." You whisper softly.
Giyu looked at you and frowned. You raised your eyebrow in confusion. He then leaned forward, planting a kiss on your lips.
"I'm sorry if I don't show as much affection as you want me to." Giyu apologized.
"No. It's alright, you show me enough love, don't worry." You hugged him.

He dreamt that you were killed by a demon while he was on a mission.
"That was the last mission for the day, better inform Kagaya-sama." Sabito told himself.
The peach haired male noticed a crew of medics - most likely from the Butterfly Estate, heading towards your home. He got really worried. He ran, following the medics. When he arrived, he saw a group of medics there already. Two of them had some sort of thin mattress, and ontop, was a body. Your body. Sabito didn't know it was you since your body was covered with a large, white blanket. However, he had a hunch that it was you. Nobody else was at your home.
"E-Excuse me, what happened here?" Sabito asked, approaching the medics.
"Unfortunately, we were informed that a human was attacked here. By a demon." A female medic responded.
"What's her/his name? Do you know?" Sabito asked frantically.
"I believe it was...Y/n L/n." The medic said.
Sabito's heart dropped. He felt despair, anger, rage, a lot. But most of all, he felt empty. You were gone, the light and love of his life was gone.
"DAMMIT!" Sabito yelled.
He stabbed the ground with his nichirin blade, making numerous scratches on the hardened dirt. Tears escaped his lavender eyes.
Yay, he awoke from his dream. He opened his eyes, which had a few tears. He had flinched a bit making you slightly wake up.
"What's wrong?" You asked, your voice husky.
You rubbed your eyes and looked up at Sabito. His grip on you had tightened (he was cuddlin' ya).
"I just had a nightmare." Sabito responded, hugging you tightly.
You smiled and played with his hair, not saying a word, only using your actions to comfort him.

Yushiro dreamt that you accidentally walked out into the daylight and...yeah.
"Y/n? Lady Tamayo?" Yushiro's voice boomed throughout the empty house.
It was late at night, he'd just returned from medicine buying out in the city. He could hear faint sobbing from the back of the house.
"Y/n? Lady Tamayo?" Yushiro made his way outside to the back.
He found Tamayo sobbing and crying. She was kneeling in front of a burnt body which only had the skull and the arms left. She'd come home early from tending and helping a patient and she found your burnt body. The face was still a bit recognizable.
"L-Lady Tamayo?" Yushiro asked, panicking a bit.
"Y-Y/n...s-she/h-he...." Tamayo couldn't finish speaking due to her break down.
Although Tamayo couldn't finish her sentence, Yushiro knew exactly what happened to you. He fell to his knees, his hands on the floor. He broke down.
He woke up. He sat up and went to your room, looking and hoping to see you peacefully sleeping. And that's exactly what he found. He sighed and smiled tiredly. It was only a nightmare, he thought. He decided to sleep with you, he'd feel more comfortable knowing you were in his arms, safe and sound.

Muzan Kibutsuji:
MEGA MAFIA BOSS- I mean, Muzan dreamt that you protected him from demon slayers thus resulting in your death.
"Lord, [idek] this is a dead end! We can't pass through!" An Upper Moon demon spoke.
"Dammit!" Muzan cussed.
"I-I'm sure we can find another rou-" You were cut off.
"I think this is the end for you, you filthy demons!" One of the nine pillars spoke.
You turned around. All of the pillars were there and they had a lot of other high level demon slayers for backup. You couldn't escape. Muzan gripped your wrist and pulled you behind him.
"Run now!" He yelled.
"Just go!" Muzan yelled sternly.
You nodded, however, the pillars wouldn't let you leave.
"No one's leaving." A raven haired pillar spoke.
You growled, getting ready to attack. A pillar suddenly lunged themselves at Muzan. You quickly stood in front of Muzan. The pillar's
nichirin sword sliced your neck, putting an end to your life. You collapsed and you slowly dissolved into thin air. Muzan became furious, however, he um...woke up. He frantically searched the room with his eyes until he spotted you, sleeping peacefully and snoring softly. He sighed. He was glad you were alright, once he saw you, he went back to sleeping.

Kyojuro Rengoku:
Mr. SunshineAndRainbows dreamt that he was too weak and he was in a cell where he watched you get killed.
"MUZAN! I'LL SLAY YOU IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" Rengoku yelled, rage clouding his mind.
"SO DON'T TOUCH HER/HIM! I'M YOUR OPPONENT HERE!" He screamed, tightly gripping the cell's poles.
"Oh?" Muzan had you in his arms.
You were unconscious.
"I could kill her/him, or I could just let her/him live." Muzan smirked.
Rengoku was beyond enraged, he wanted to break open the cell and rip Muzan's heart out. Or more precisely, rip his throat.
"Oops." Muzan muttered, unapologetically.
He pierced his claws through your chest, where your heart was. He pulled it out, blood gliding down his arm and spurting out from your chest.
"Y/N!" Rengoku yelled.
He felt pathetic and weak. He wanted to end his life. Thankfully, he awoke from his nightmare.
"It's alright, you're okay. Don't worry." You whispered to the flame pillar.
You'd awoken due to his constant shuffling while asleep. You figured he was having a nightmare.
"I'm so glad you're okay." Rengoku sighed.
You smiled softly.
"Don't worry."

[A/n: Yooo, 7.5k+ reads? OMFG YOU GUYS ARE DOPE-]

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