"It's nothing Shouto," I explained, bringing my knees to my chest as I softly rested my chin on them. He shook his head slightly, "(Y/N)...you're thinking about her again," He guessed, sighing. If her was supposed to be my mother, he was spot on, and god did that get on my nerves. "Don't refer to my mom as her, Shouto," I snapped, bringing my legs down and leaning forward defensively. 

"I'm sorry, I know (Y/N)-" He leaned towards me as well, gently reaching his hands forward as a form of reassurance before I angrily pushed him away. "No, you don't! Stop pretending like you know everything!" I shouted, shoving him out of my way so I could stand up. He followed my actions, standing up as well. "This wasn't supposed to turn into an argument..." he murmured, trying to step towards me before I stepped back once again. 

"Well it has! Good one on your part!" I spat, throwing my hands in the air. My depressive episode combined with my agitation from hunger and pent up anger mixed into one was really not good formula for Shouto to be around me. "I don't see why you're the one trying to pick a fight, I'm trying to help," he was raising his voice slightly, not yet matching my yelling. I was mad... no, I was furious

I took another large step back, pointing an accusing finger at him. "I'm not some damsel in distress that needs help all the time! Learn to mind your own business!" I snapped, my blood boiling and just getting hotter as he responded with his supportive comments. "You're my girlfriend, (Y/N)! It's my job-"

"-You're job as a boyfriend is literally just sex and company!" I blurted, regretting it as I saw the shock on Todoroki's face. He looked so hurt by that statement...and that hurt morphed to anger. "Thats all? Thats really it (Y/N)?" He shouted back, his voice strained and deep with emotion.

I laughed as some sort of resort to get my emotions out. "Yes!" I yelled, a bit frantic by the heated argument. He shook his head, throwing his hands upon a defensive manner. "So. everything else was what? A lie? You've just been pretending that you love me!?" His words were so incredibly filled with pain as his voice slightly cracked. He stepped forward, getting pretty close to me. "Was this relationship this one sided this entire time!?" He screamed, sadness dripping from his words as he got slightly teary eyed. I bit the inside of my cheek, not being able to also bite my tongue before more word vomit fled from my lips. 

I had never seen him so angry, his goal was usually being calm and collected and he let it all fly out the window like this. "As much as you preach about hating your deadbeat dad you resemble him quite a lot, Sho!" I roared, tears streaming down my face. All his anger morphed straight back to shock and betrayal. He stepped back, his shoulders rolling back as he tensed up and his hands balled up. All he could do was shake his head in disbelief of what just left my throat. I was in shock as well, my hands clapping over my mouth after the words were out in the open.

"Shouto, I'm so sorry-"

"-No. You know what, (Y/N)? I've put up with enough, we're done," he stated, his body moving to turn towards the door. I ran forward, clinging to his forearm and trying to tug him back as tears flooded down my face. "Please, Shouto. I love you," I pleaded, my arms wrapping around his bicep, hanging on for dear life. He looked down to me with the same expression as before. "No you don't, (Y/N). You can't even love yourself," he said quietly, tugging his arm away from me as he walked to the door.

"If you walk out that door, we're done Shouto. Please, just stay," I begged, completely defeated from the experience. He let go of the door handle, sucking in a breath. He turned around to face me, the light shining against his beautiful self as he walked forward. 

His hands quickly went to gently cup my cheeks. intern, my smaller hands gripped his wrists as I looked up to him lovingly. Tears rolled down my flushed cheeks onto his hands as he looked down to me as well. "I love you (Y/N), more than you could ever know..." more tears fell from my eyes as he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. It was sweet, tender...full of love. I was so happy I got a second chance after taking this for granted.

A warm feeling filled my body as Todoroki pressed his forehead to mine. My brow creased as I felt a droplet of water on my own hand, making my eyes flutter open. Todoroki was crying too, his face extremely close to mine. "But this is goodbye," and just like that, he separated from me. I gaped slightly as the warm feeling in my body was erased, now filled with a cold presence in its place. He walked away...straight out the door without looking back. Not even a glance as he opened up the door, shutting it completely. He left me alone in my empty dorm, only accompanied by my thoughts.

Before my knees gave out just on my hardwood floor, I simply moved to my bed. I sat on it, clutching the same bear from before and sobbing into it. Silence filled my room besides another soft sound...sniffling? I looked around, not finding the source of the sound as I remained healthy quiet. My watery (e/c) orbs landed on my phone which still lit up with the light of the call screen, I was still on a call with Shouto. A deep sigh was heard on the other end, alongside a loud door slamming. A soft "shit..." was all that was heard before more muffled sniffles. I broke out into sobs as my hands flew forward, ending the call.

It hurt so badly knowing that was our final goodbye.

My Singing Academia [BNHA AU x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now