9. B E M Y D A D D Y

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I've accepted this is a crack book...have you?

also nsfw wedfbfheje

((MENTIONS OF: Sex, heartbreak, and marijuana use))


After that night, I didn't see any rivalries between the two boys. Todoroki seemed more okay with it than I initially thought he would. Plus, Bakugou hadn't asked about what I did with Todoroki...but, to be fair, I haven't seen Bakugou for the past two days.

I couldn't tell if he was ignoring me or it was pure coincidence. After all, I did practically just stay in my room with occasional visits from Todoroki.

That was another thing...Todoroki seemed a lot more intimate than before. He would always casually put his hand on my thigh or embrace me when we saw each other...but it wasnt just that. He began to hang around in my dorm now and we'd just talk. Sometimes we'd sit in silence or play around with music.

He even insisted I called him Shouto.

Even though these two seem to be the two main focuses of my life, today was a pretty normal day. The common room was filled with Deku's main group of friends: Hitoshi, Todoroki, Uraraka and Iida, occasionally Tsu if she wasn't busy.

I didn't really belong to a group, I sort of just hung around anyone that was free.

Uraraka and Deku were cuddling on the couch, Iida uncomfortably tense beside them. Hitoshi, who was frankly high out of his mind, was attempting to make Mac and cheese with Tsu's help, and me and Todoroki sat comfortably next to each other. My legs were over his lap with his arm stretched over the backrest.

There was some movie on TV that I payed no attention to as I just enjoyed watching Hitoshi pour half a carton of milk into the mixture as Tsu stared with wide eyes.

My attention snapped away from me as my phone buzzed from a call. "Hey Shoto," I murmured, eventually capturing his full attention as he slowly looked away from the screen. I smiled gently as I leaned against the arm rest, "Can you get me my phone, it should be next to you," I slightly whispered out of respect for those watching the movie.

He nodded, retrieving said device and handing it back to me.

The half-and-half boy watched as my eyes narrowed at the screen, confused at the caller I.D. "Who is it?" He asked in a hushed tone. I looked up at him briefly before murmuring, "...Denki," back.

I swiped to answer it and turned my head away from the TV screen.

"Whats up?" I asked in a low tone, looking back to Hitoshi and Tsu as I sat up. Hitoshi ate just plain white bread as he watched Tsu fix the disaster he made. "(Y/N)! DO NOT LOOK AT WHAT I JUST SENT YOU!" Denki basically screamed into the mic. My fingers worked on lowering the volume as I narrowed my brows.

"...why?" I asked slowly, getting shushed by Iida harshly.

My eyes rolled towards him as my free hand waved him off. "JUST DON'T! WAIT TIL I GET BACK SO I CAN DELETE IT!" He begged. With a hum, I lied, "Yeah for sure, thanks for the warning. I won't open it,"  I repeated back to him, only to get a sigh of relief on the other end.

My Singing Academia [BNHA AU x Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon