1. O U T OF M Y L E A G U E

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HEADS UP! This fic is mainly about romance with literally everyone. If you wanted more action scenes, you shouldn't really read this.... 


I sang as well as I could, hearing my voice echo off the walls of the empty music hall.

I closed my eyes, trying to feel the beat. The melody wasn't one I was used to, it wasn't like the rap songs I usually cover. When I heard the door open, I instantly stopped. I was a sweaty panting mess, trying to catch my breathe from singing for hours on end. "Oh hey, Todoroki," I breathed out, sitting on the edge of the small stage and letting my feet dangle.

"You're practicing?" He asked, putting his bag on one of the chairs.

I nodded, "It sucked, right?" I chuckled, tying my hair in a ponytail. He shook his head with a no, "Your just not used to that sort of music," he explained, hoisting himself on the stage so he was sitting next to me. I nodded slowly, "God, I wish we didn't have to do these exams," I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose and shutting my eyes in frustration.

He agreed immediately. "At least you don't have to sing an embarrassing song," he said as he gave me a water bottle. I thanked him before unscrewing the already open cap and taking a sip. "What song did you decide on this year?" I asked, taking another sip. He hesitated before answering, "pony," he muttered. I spit my water out of surprise, laughing hysterically.

"Thats amazing!" I threw my head back as more giggles ran throughout the hall. He was clearly annoyed at my teasing, a prominent scowl was tugging at his lips. He sighed when I wouldn't stop laughing, he just pushed himself off the edge of the stage and looked back to me. My eyes were a little teary as I was slowly coming out of my laughing fit. "I was going to help you with your song but since you decided-"

"Wait! No! Don't leave! Ill help you with your song if you help with mine!" I completely cut him off, chasing after him. He stopped dead in his tracks, making me run straight into him. "Please Todoroki!" I begged, clasping my hands together and shaking them rapidly. He raised his brows, "Yeah, sure," He said, pushing me away.

I beamed brightly, "Thank you!". "We'll review your song first," he said, gesturing to the stage.



I panted after finishing the song for the fifth time. "The song is actually very good, its the choreography thats bad," he said, sitting up from his chair. I scrunched my nose at his bluntness, watching as he lifted himself on the stage and walking towards me.

"Your dancing doesn't match the beat, your doing more hip hop moves than cute ones," he explained. I nodded, tightening my ponytail as he stood behind me. "So, instead of dropping to the floor, try to do something cute...like making a heart with your hands," he suggested. I turned on my heels, confused.

"So...like this?" I asked, making a heart shape with my hands near my chest. "Well, yeah, but do something more like this," he stepped forward, grabbing my hands and putting the heart in front of my face. "Now turn your head and wink," he said. I did as he said, internally cringing that I just winked at Todoroki.

"Good, or you could do this," he grabbed one of my hands and curled my hand into a fist. He pulled my pointer finger up and poked my hand to my cheek. "And turn you hand and try to make a cute face," he said. I twisted my wrist and stuck out my tongue, closing my eyes.

He taught me a few more poses, and even taught me how to twirl.

"Okay! Im tired so we can review your song!" I cheered, hopping to the edge of the stage. I jumped off and waltzed to the seat, sitting down in it with a smile. He let out a deep sigh, walking to the center of the stage. "Ready?" He asked. I laughed a little, "Ive prepared my ovaries, now go!" I demanded, crossing my legs. He hooked his phone to the speaker and played the very familiar music. I tried to hold in my laugh, since I knew this was going to be embarrassing for Todoroki.

My Singing Academia [BNHA AU x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now