Under Cover

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My eyes opened slowly a little blure at first then they straightened out.

I was in a pitch dark room,I tried to get up but I'm pretty sure I was strapped to a bed of some sort. As I stoped moving and struggling I heard whispering I could just make out the words, " why do you think she here is she trying to find out the secret and destroy our way of life?" A lady said angerly. I saw a light as if a door was starting to open, but how would I know I was still a little drowsy, a tall skinny lady walked in wearing a black blouse and dark leggings and black wedges. Two men followed behind her big, buff and tattos all over ther arms( which I could barley make out). " we'll come on" said the women " I don't pay you to stand there and look like idiots" "actually miss,you don't pay us at-" " the lights" she interrupted. They were turned on. " tell me your name" demanded the lady, I didn't say anything just lied there scared she could probably make out the fear in my eyes." Tell me" she demanded once again throwing her fist on the table beside me. "Mhh mhh" I cleared my throat, and of course I told her didn't want to get shot or any thing I just had a strong feeling that the guards behind her had a gun. She questioned me over and over again as if I just failed a exam and the teacher is so mad, they start to question you on the spot. She asked me questions like "who are you working for," and my favorite " why are you hear?" ( it felt like that was what she only asked me). My anwser to both those questions were simply " no one" and " I don't know". The lady seemed pretty ticked so she nodded at the guards as they walked towards me ( seriously the scariest moment of my life, having two giant men walk up to you and you don't have a clue what there going to do, shoot you or let you go, in this case none) the men undo all the locks on the lift bed and pick me up( once again) and carry me.

As I got a free ride through this building I noticed a million people in science labs wearing lab coats and masks and some oxygen tanks.

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