Better Than Him (Yoongi fluff)

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I had always been the quiet girl, but not like I had no friends. It was just that to most people, I was only the nerd, the math helper, the ideal lab partner. But become my friend, and I became a different person. I would laugh and snort (not powder, just laughter) and just be happy. Oh yeah, and I was a total  fan girl over (your fave band/artist besides BTS).  I would squeal like a pig when new music by her/him/them came out. I just had one weakness that only my closest friends knew: Min Yoongi, my crush.


Yoongi's POV

I was always the nerd to nearly everyone. They all wanted to be my partner because they knew that I'd do all of the work if they threatened to make me get a bad grade. They laughed at my glasses, and they treated me like the stereotypical nerd I was. All except my friends, who went by The Bangtan Boys. Thus named because they protected me, and also because they thought it sounded cool. And Y/N was also really nice. She was like my female counterpart, although at least she didn't wear glasses. She was pretty, but not popular, so nobody that I knew of wanted to date her. Except me. 



I was waiting again. I had been here, by the school, waiting for my friend Justin to come out and bike home with me, for fifteen minutes. He had been doing this more often, telling me that he'd be quick and then taking literally twenty minutes to get out of the school. His excuse was always "I'm a social butterfly!".

Honestly, I'd been fine with that dynamic for ages. I had let him have a lot of leash, simply because I was glad he was my friend. And I mean, yeah, he was cute, and funny, and handsome, but I knew that A) he would make a terrible boyfriend, and B) he was waaaayyyyyy out of my league. He had dated other girls while being my friend, and it had always ended badly. So I left him alone in that department. But this was going too far. I had told him I needed to be home fast today, and he was taking forever. Then I received a text. Guess who it was from?


hey i kno ur waiting for me but  go ahead im talking to mr o. 

Oh wow. Great. Not only was he blowing me off, he also had only just thought of me now. Wonderful. Just peachy. 

I hopped on my bike and rode home as fast as possible, letting the tears pass as irritation to wind. I didn't bother to text back. 

I knew that he'd already forgotten about me.

And if I was honest with myself, I was surprised he'd remembered to text me at all.


As soon as I got home, I texted my brothers, Jin, Namjoon, and Taehyung. Tae is the only one younger than me. Namjoon is my twin, and constantly reminding me that he's older by two minutes. The only thing that we share is eye color. 

Bros Group Chat


Hey bros! You guys know Justin T, right? From school?


Yea what about him?

Did he blow u off again?


Yea... 😭

Eomma Jin

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