Chloe Knows

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Marinette woke up to someone throwing cold water onto her face, which made her bolt up into a defensive stance but hit her head on the ceiling. "Not a reaction I was expecting but that doesn't matter" mutter a familiar voice as she clutched her head, "come on Dupain-Chang were going to be late if you don't hurry up".

Looking towards the ladder she saw Chloe sitting there with an empty cup in her hand, "Chloe what are you doing here?" asked Marinette sharply,
"Well, I know you were probably going to be late today and since I know that would be when you probably be confronted by Rossi again alone, I thought it would be best if we got to class earlier" she explained climbing down the ladder.

"How?" Marinette muttered but Chloe was still able to hear the question,
"I was in the bathroom the first time she confronted you, I know about the threats and that fact that you're Kwami was able to calm you do before the akuma got you" explained Chloe,
"And why do you think I have a 'Kwami'" Marinette asked coldly as she climbed down the ladder, "I've been around pollen enough to see the similarities to that toy you had" Chloe replied, "besides you and ladybug already had a similar face, you wear those earrings all the time, I'm surprised Alya doesn't know by now with her being a reporter and all".

Marinette was left standing there shocked which made Chloe just throw her clothes at her face, "hurry up" she yelled as she grabbed Marinette's rucksack and climbed out the trap door. "Tiki" Marinette called out, "doesn't matter now that's the guardian is gone and you control the miraculous box as much as I wish it wasn't Chloe, there's nothing we can do but hope that she will stay on our side this time" Tiki replied with a tired tone.

So Marinette got dressed, grabbed some things that weren't in her rucksack like her phone and purse, headed downstairs to which her parents hand her some food and her pink travel mug that was full of coffee and they were out the door.

They had luckily gotten their earlier than the rest of the class which meant they didn't have to deal with the yelling of their other classmates before the bell rang. Adrien had also arrived early which once he saw them, he sat with them explaining that his father was kind enough to allow him to have a free schedule that week so that he could focus on the task since doing charity work would look good for the brand.

Although he also had to beg his father to not work with Lila and luckily since he mentioned that he was going to work with Marinette, his father agree since he recognized Marinette talent for fashion along with organizing events which would be useful with this project. Marinette didn't know whether to be glad that Marinette was considered talented enough to be trusted by Gabriel to help his son succeed with this project or insulted that she was being used as a bargaining chip.

It was about twenty minutes before the class started to arrive, most of them were either glaring at them or ignoring them completely. Miss Bustier arrived at the bell and she was fine with Marinette, Chloe and Adrien sitting together since they would all be working on brainstorming ideas for their stalls that morning.

It was 30 minutes into Miss Bustier explaining how the stalls work and what they could actually be allowed to sell when Lila and Alya arrived with the excuses that their alarms didn't go off but unlike Marinette who was normally only a few minutes late normally so they both got detention which when Lila tired to get out off it, she was threatened with another detention. It seems that Miss Bustier was completely done with Lila. After Lila told her about her 'lying disease', she seemed to be done with bend over back for her.

When the class started to work in their groups, Miss Bustier had to leave since there was another class that needed her help for a while which gave Alya and Lila the perfect opportunity to kick up a fuss.

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