Player Three Joins The Team

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"Chloe, Mari wait" shouted Adrien as the two girls left the school,"Yes Adrikins, what is it?" asked Chloe sounding annoyed,
"Can I work with you two?" he asked, which made Chloe raise an eyebrow and Marinette just looked surprised.

"Why?" asked Marinette quietly, "because I rather not have to spend all week with Lila, to be honest, and I thought you guys would like the help" he answered with a nervous chuckle,
"Fine, Adrien you can help but make sure to help keep Lila away from us and our project, we wouldn't want her to pull another stunt that made Dupain-Chang look like the bad guy now would we" stated Chloe sternly before Marinette could answer.

Adrien nodded quickly as he spotted Gorilla by his car, and said his goodbyes before he got into the car. "Dupain-Chang, I will contact you tonight along with Adrian so that we have a plan for tomorrow," said Chloe,
"you don't have my phone number" replied Marinette not knowing what else to say,
"Then give it to me, I'm going to need it if we are going to work on this project together" snaped Chloe, with a sigh Marinette complied and wrote it down on a scrap piece of paper to which Chloe snatch out of her hand as she walked back into the school.

"Where are you going?" called out Marinette after her, "going to inform that Adrikins is now in our group and not in that lying witch's group" she growled before disappearing from Marinette's view.

As Marinette walked home, she replayed her interaction with Chloe in her head, "I guess I shouldn't really be surprised by Chloe knowing that Lila lied since she knows half the people Lila lied about" muttered Marinette, "but I don't get why she volunteered to work with me?",
"Maybe she's trying to follow Ladybug's advice," said Tiki popping her head out of Marinette purse,
"I hope so, rather deal with her being nice than her acting like Lila" replied Marinette as she entered the bakery, greeting her parents.

There was one Akuma attack before tea but luckily it was stopped quickly, it turned out to be a child who had been left behind by a teacher on a school trip and was scared when they couldn't find their class. Needless to say, Marinette willing to bet the teacher was going to get in a lot of trouble once ladybug returned the kid to the class who were with the child's parents.

Marinette's parents were more than happy to use the stall at the market for the project and Sabine was more than glad to have Adrien and Chloe to help with baking food for it if that's what they decide they want to sell. Tom was worried about Chloe but Marinette explained what had happened and he grew more relaxed but made sure to make Marinette aware that they will be watching her closely while she is here.

It was when Marinette was getting ready to go to bed when her phone went off, with a ton of messages coming from the class group chat. Opening them, she was not shocked to see that mostly Alya sending them, Adrien as well as Chloe had told the group chat that Adrien was now working with Marinette and when the class try saying that he was already in Lila's group, Adrien sent as text saying that he hadn't agreed to that while Chloe sent a message that Mrs Bustier has already put down Adrien to be in their group so they a buzz off with their complaints. Marinette decided it was best to just mute the chat as she fell asleep.

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