"Thank you thank you", I hugged my mom.

" We felt bad so we decided to cut down your punishment", mom explained.

"We? I felt bad, you were moping around like you had your first breakup so I made your mom cut down your punishment", Maggie spoke looking at mom with childlike wonder as if mom was Zendaya doing acrobatics.

Mom giggled and blew her a kiss sneakily behind my back. Well they tried to be sneaky, but a person with cataract could have seen it.

My mom is honestly a fossil,she's like 37. Thank God for Maggie, she's slightly relatable being 28.

" She's heartless", I indicated towards mom.

" Hey...she's not that bad ", Maggie hugged my mom.

I made a gesture of puking and turned around to go to my room.

" You're not thanking me?", Maggie asked.

"Thank you", I yelled running up the stairs.

I honestly wonder how I deal with their lovey dovey shit on a day to day basis. Its like I am stuck in a young adult romantic comedy on Netflix. On a second note, I'd rather be stuck in The kissing booth than live here.

Hey!! No..naaahhh. I don't watch rom-coms. That's sissy stuff.
I only know them because mom watches them.

I haven't seen Gee today, today's Saturday. You don't know how much of a serious situation this is, there are only limited number of weekends when one shall find Georgie Stokes at his own house. That's because he's always at my house. Always. Like literally, 24/7, he even sleeps here. There's a sleeping bag and 6 freaking pillows that's reserved for him at my house.

So him not being here,is like if Logan Paul showed another dead body in his vlog! Its scandalous and it's serious.

But apparently it's not impossible since he's not here. Is he?

I thought of calling him up but I didn't want to bother him so I didn't.

Maybe I'm just too much of a wimp to apologize and admit that I'm ready to eat a leather bound book if it means he'll forgive and that we'll be back to normal.

Maybe I am a pussy to run away instead of accepting this huge change in my life..

Also there's the slightest possibility that he might not want to still be my best friend. Still be my same old Georgie.


I was rapidly scooping out chunks of Avocado at an insane rate, the avocado mostly made it to the ground than my plate.

I decided to pick up and eat the avocado from the floor too. I don't care if I get salmonella, everyone's gotta die someday, better sooner than later. I am sure there are worse ways to go than getting a salmonella infection.

You might call me a pig. I agree. No point arguing. Life is existence. Life is eating food from the floor, life is morbid.


My initial plan was to make myself an avocado toast and count the number of dust particles on the horridly green ceiling fan. But I've abandoned ship, I will just eat dry bread they'll mix inside my stomach. That's toast. What's taste?

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