Chapter 17

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You shifted in the bed, grabbing at the covers as you blearily tried to tell where you were. You're chest stung and you sucked in air through your teeth. Something tightened around your waist and you turned your head to peer over your shoulder. Alastor smiled at you sweetly, his eyes glowing angrily and occasionally clouding with static. "Hello my dear, you've been asleep for a while," he whispered. You put your head down, reaching up and touching the wound over your chest.

"I didn't go again did I," you asked quietly. There came a loud hum and the arms removed themselves. You were soon being lifted into a sitting position and Alastor sat next to you while pouring you a glass of water.

"As much as I would love to have gone and torn into that man," he growled out. The smile grew larger and the static in the air grew heavy as sinister energy radiated off of the demon. He shook his head, looking at you as you teared up and pet your cheek, "Dear, you haven't been summoned back and you haven't ventured off in your sleep." You nodded a bit, leaning into his hand instinctively.

"I don't want to go back. I don't want to have this ability," you muttered. He stared for a long time and his smile widened as a thought crossed his mind. You hiccuped and reached for him, stopping as it made your chest burn. He leaned over and hugged you, thoroughly surprising you with the affection. This whole situation had you surprised. You didn't expect him to watch you. You had expected him to be livid, to be storming off to cool his head the only way he could ever sate his anger.

"Darling," he chuckled, "Why don't we make a deal?" Your eyes widened and your hands began to shake as they held him. "Now, hear me out, darling. Not your ordinary run of the mill sort of deal. No. I'm talking about a deal that would benefit us both!" He leaned away, sliding his hands down your arms to hold your hands.

You stared at him, the shaking slowly stopping as you smiled softly, "What is it?"

He grinned and leaned over to put his forehead on yours, "Darling, I will feed off your energy as long as you continue to eat the food that is good for you." You blinked and scowled a bit but stayed still. It was so rare for you to take in the scent that was him; that sweet scent you forgot the specifics to because to you, it was just Alastor.

"Charlie's trying to get me to eat normal," you mumbled. He let out a sigh, rubbing his nose to yours before kissing it.

"I know, but you've lost weight. A lot of weight," he stated. "I can't have such a charming young lady fall to the ways of the upper worlds because of a diet choice!" You blinked and looked down at yourself, looking back to Alastor.

"Will it work," you asked quietly. He stared and took the back of your head, his lips resting on your forehead.

"If it doesn't, I have no problem tearing another contract for you," he whispered. You stared at him and nodded.

"So then," you shifted a bit, rubbing your hands together before holding one out. "Deal?" He grinned broadly and took your hand, shaking it with that same glowing green light you saw when you were alive.

"Deal, my dear," he chuckled. You smiled softly and slowly leaned forward, pushing your face into his shoulder. His hand played with the hair at the back of your head as he hummed softly.

You slowly walked down the stairs, a clipboard held to your chest as you looked around the hotel. Everyone was off doing their own thing and you caught Husk's eye. He stood up straight and his eyes stayed focus on you as you walked up to the bar. "No. Nuh-uh," he pointed the opposite direction of the bar, "I ain't servin' brats," he growled out.

"I just," you leaned on the counter, pulling yourself into the seat slowly as you frowned a bit, "I'm not asking for a drink."

"Then why the fuck are you here," he asked quickly. You noticed him looking around as if you had a follower. He wasn't wrong but you made Alastor promise to just use the shadows for you. You still had to work and you couldn't let him get in the way.

"I need to know what beers are in season," you replied. He frowned and tilted his head before glaring at the clipboard and groaning loudly.

"Are you serious? The fuck do you need that shit for," he reached under the counter and took a long swig from a bottle of cheap alcohol. You stared at him and sighed.

"A tasting event," you stated. "I figured we could reach out to the addicted first. Give them a chance to see that they can enjoy in moderation." He stared before his wings and shoulders slumped dramatically.

"Give me a damn paper and I'll write down what's in season and what's good. But I get the first pick of the shit," he pointed at you, his eyes stern and almost pleading. You smiled and nodded while holding a pen and the clipboard to him.

"We can have this every season too if this one goes well," you giggled. He snorted and started writing. A hand gently placed itself on your shoulder and you looked over, smiling at Angel. "Hi," you waved a little and he stared with a small smile.

"Hey Sugar Lips, you doin' okay? Should you be walkin' around," he sat next to you, tilting his head as Husk wrote.

"I'm okay as long as I'm supervised is what Charlie said when she checked me yesterday. Alastor won't leave me alone," you nodded. Angel huffed and put his chin in his palm.

"Too bad we can't go shoppin' or somethin'. That would probably cheer you up," he sniffed. You stared at him and your ears flicked.

"I think it would have been nice," you nodded. "I mean, I get to hang out with one of the hottest demons in Hell, don't I?" Angel smirked and swiped your nose gently as you two laughed. Husk practically thrust the clipboard back at you and you took it, slowly getting up and walking. Angel stood after winking at Husk and followed.

"Am I right in hearin' you're plannin' a drinkin' event," he leaned over your shoulder, keeping up easily with your sluggish pace. You moved the list away from you, sticking your tongue out at him.

"I am. I begged Vaggie for a way to promote to different crowds and this one was the easiest," you retorted. Angel snickered a bit and ruffled your hair.

"Does that mean I get to do ya makeup and dress up again," he smirked. You stared and giggled, nodding as he gave a quiet cheer. He hugged you gently, kissing your head and walking. "I'll be back later, Sugar Lips! Keep busy but don't screw the boys and girls!" You waved at him as he walked out of the hotel and made your way to the couch. You felt your eyelids getting heavy and you were cursing yourself lightly for it. The nagging feeling tickled your throat and you stiffened when you sat down.

Whatever color that was in your face was now gone as you caught your reflection in the mirror to your left. You covered your head and tried to stand up, the room spinning fast enough to make you seat yourself back on the cushion. You looked around a bit, shaking and tapping your claws together. Your tails flicked a bit and you notice a shadow move unnaturally. You reached for it quietly, your fingers trembling in the action.

A black-gloved hand reached from behind you and held it, moving it back to your side.

"My dear, you could just call my name," Alastor hummed. You relaxed a bit, the shaking only getting worse as the hunger made you nauseous. "Hungry darling? You look pale."

You looked over at him, his eyes spinning in your mind as you took in the soft static that flickered in the red pools, "This feels bad. I don't like it." Alastor chuckled and kissed the top of your head quickly.

"I'll be back soon, darling. For now just snack on this," he dropped a heart into your hands and you stared at it before slowly biting into it like an apple. Alastor was off as soon as he was there and you stared at the television in front of you as you waited.

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