~ Chapter 1 ~

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After a week after saving Eri, her wounds had fully healed thanks to Recovery Girl. During this week Eri has only been spending time with the hero Eraser Head since he was to only one able to keep her powers under control. However, Eri had been looking forward to today since this was the day she would be discharged from the hospital. The little girl couldn't wait to see her hero, Deku, and as the days approached today she dreamed of feeling safe in his hands again like when he saved her. Eri always smiled at this thought since she felt loved and cared for that came with the memory 


The girl turned to look at the door to see Eraser Head looking as tired as always. 


"Come on, your being discharged"

A smile grew on the girl's face as she quickly got out of the hospital bed and ran towards the door. Before stepping out Eri looked back at the room she had grown accustomed to over the weeks and she suddenly remembered the place where she was imprisoned for a couple of years as an experiment. She trembled and bit in fear remembering how painfully the experience was.

"Eri, come on Midoriya is waiting for you", Aizawa said sluggishly

With that the girl stopped being in fear, Midoriya , she thought and smiled. With just one word her fears where erased and she closed the door to the hospital room, ready to forget her painful memories.

"Coming!!!", Eri ran next to Aizawa and they walked together to U.A. High School. 

Once arriving there they headed straight for the Principal's Office. There they were meet with Toshinori (All Might), Principal Nezu, and Midoriya Izuku.

"Deku!!!!", Eri ran towards Midoriya, with arms open wide.

Midoriya kneeled down and hugged Eri. After a while, they let go and Midoriya patted Eri's head.

"Hi Eri!", he smiled.

Toshinori laughed, "So you already have a daughter Midoriya-shonen? How come I never knew?"

Deku got flustered very quickly. "WHAT?!?!? All Might!!!"

Everyone in the room started laughing and Principal Nezu walked over to Aizawa. 

"Aizawa, did you tell Midoriya?"

"Yes Nezu, he has a certain level of understanding why he is here."

"Um, what?", Deku said looking confused. Sure Aizawa had told him that this had something to do with Eri but the atmosphere around him made him guess that it was more important than what he previously thought.

"Midoriya-shonen", All might started while placing his hand on Deku's shoulder. "As you know Eri has been through a lot lately and well in order of Eri to have a normal life we wanted to ask you if you would like to take care of Eri, of course, you will be able to choose a partner to help you with this task"

"ME?!?!?", the boy responded. "But I am just a student, plus wouldn't it be better for Eri if she was cared for by an adult? What about Aizawa or Mirio? What about all the necessities that a child needs??? I don't think I will be able to provide and good life for Eri let alone-"

"Midoriya", Principal Nezu walked towards the young boy and looked up at him. "Aizawa has so other hero business to attend to as he is a pro hero we need all the help we can get. Mirio is currently undergoing therapy for his quirk. You won't have to worry about the necessities, the school will provide a paycheck every month for Eri's well-being. Also, you won't be alone in this you can choose someone to help you, but one person since the legal matters still interfere and only two more guardians can be added since Aizawa, Mirio, and Toshinori are already signed up. Also if you are worried about provided a good life for Eri think about this, the reason we choose you was in Eri's well being in mind. She trusts you more than anyone and that was proved today as she ran into your arms to moment she recognized you, I don't think any of us can find a more fitting person for the job."

After taking all of this is Deku looked down at Eri who was still holding his hand and smiling. Deku thought about this for a while wondering whether this child has ever had the chance to smile like this before and how much he wanted to keep making her happy. 

"I'll do it", Deku smiled and Eri's eyes lit up as she understood what that meant. Her heart was filled with joy as she thought how she would be cared for everyday as long as she had Deku.

"Great! Now that that is all settle, here is the paycheck for this month!", Nezu said handing him an envelope. "There is the account username, password and a credit card. We felt that it would be safer to store it is a bank then give the money directly."

"Thank you Principal Nezu, All might, and Aizawa-sensei" Deku bowed down. Both him and Eri headed to the door and everyone walked out of the office to wave goodbye. As Eri and Midoriya where walking down the hallway and where far enough from the others they began to talk again.


"Yes Nezu?"

"You picked a good successor"

"Thank you Nezu, I know he will be a great hero", All might pause for a bit, "and a good father". Toshinori watched as Deku and Eri smiled and chatted while walking next to each other.

"Toshinori, you have a good son", Nezu said as he started walking away.

"Yeah..., wait Nezu what does that mean?!?!", All-Might said chasing after him.

"Ugh, I am tired", Aizawa walked away dragging his yellow sleeping bag that somehow appeared.

-Back to Deku and Eri-



"What is your favorite fruit?"

"Apples!!", Eri said excitedly.

"Once we get to the dorms you can have all the apples you want!"




The two cinnamon both smiled hand in hand, chatting as they walked to the dorms together.

________________________________________________________________________________ (1013 words)

~Okay, your author here. I just wanted to say a few things or type a few things? Anyways this is my first fanfic so I am sorry if it is bad. Also, my grammar might be off, because well I suck at grammar so yeah sorry about that. This story will include a bunch of cliques and ships and I have a question for one of the ships cause I like both and I don't know which to choose so I will leave it up to you readers  (even though I don't think people will actually read this...) So...




I can write either ship into the story since I like both ships but I am indecisive so yeah.... Put a comment on which ship you like and the one with the most votes wins and will be written into the story.

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