Blood Grudge

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The rumors were still flying around the school, even after Lyra's detentions had concluded. They were saying that Madame Pomfrey had been having trouble healing the wound. Lyra, however, knew that Madame Pomfrey wouldn't have been able to help at all if she hadn't intervened. It wasn't as if she pitied that idiot or anything, she just didn't want the truth about what she'd done to get out. So, using her Animagus form, Lyra had snuck into the hospital wing and healed his face while he slept. She didn't bother trying to erase the scar, though. In fact, she rather thought Lattimore deserved to keep that little reminder.

Ignoring the hushed whispers and accusing stares, Lyra hurried to the Whomping Willow. Tonight, she would finally be able to test her theory about Animagi. She had very nearly thought that it wouldn't happen this term, what with having to wait until after the Christmas holiday for the electrical storm and then being kept away by detentions.

When Lyra got to the tree, her two friends were already waiting for her.

"Ready for your first night out with the wolves, Ly?" Lovetta quipped.

Lyra smiled slightly and nodded. Truthfully, she was a bit nervous, but she pushed it aside.

"Care to do the honors, Di?" Remus asked. Lyra must have looked confused because he went on to explain, "It's her nickname, courtesy of James and Sirius."

Meanwhile, Lovetta raised her wand and applied a Freezing Charm to the Whomping Willow, then disappeared between its roots. Lyra glanced at Remus, who gestured for her to go ahead, and followed.

"So... I remember you two mentioned that the enchantments had worn off last time." Lyra said, trying to make conversation as they walked down the passageway. "How did that go?"

Remus and Lovetta exchanged a look.

"I'm not sure," Remus said. "I mean, we can't really remember, and neither of us had any more or less injuries than usual."

"Maybe you can tell us how it goes," Lovetta suggested. "Here we are..."

They climbed up into a dusty old house that seemed to shift and creak with every move they made. Lovetta and Remus knew exactly where they were headed when they took off walking. After a moment of winding through the curious mansion, the group came to two rooms right next door to each other.

"Do you think we should just stay in the main room?" Lovetta asked. "I mean, the enchantments have worn off anyway, and Lyra's here for both of us."

"I don't know, Di..." Remus said uncertainly.

"Come on, Moony, please?"

Finally, he sighed and relented. "Fine." He started walking again, and the girls followed him past the two rooms and down a few sets of stairs.

The main room was just as eerie as the rest of the place. Furniture was scattered around, tipped over and torn apart by who-knew-what, and dust coated every surface.

"You'd better shift now, Mau," Remus advised. "You won't want to be a sitting duck when the moon comes up."

Lyra nodded and quickly transformed into the white cat. It was a little strange to be like this, but it was hard to describe. She could still think clearly and like herself, but there were all of these extra instincts and senses there as well. Emotions were a bit... different. Not gone or enhanced, but just different. Jumping up onto a half-tipped dresser, she curled up to stay out of Remus and Lovetta's way for the change.

They had warned her that it might be hard to watch, and they were right. Lyra hid her face under her paws as soon as they started screaming. She stayed that way until the only sounds could be heard were that of snuffling and curious whining. When she finally dared to glance up, two wolves were eying each other warily, sniffing the space between them. They were both larger than normal pre-adolescent wolves, but one was slightly smaller with a duller color coat. Lyra figured that must be Lovetta.

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