Chapter 9

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Minnie Provo

He didn't say anything for a while it looked like he was thinking on what to say "well, I'll tell you soon I'm not ready to say anything" he said looking down "okay"I said he quietly

looked back up and smiles at me, i smiled back. "well today you have your doctor appointment how exciting right hun" He said with a big smile on his face "yes I am ready" I said

getting out of the bathtub I put on my pjs I might as well go like that then regular clothes right and some Michael Jordan shoes. "ready love" he said I nodded. he grabbed my

hand and took me down stairs "ready mom were about to leave" Rico said I heard her footsteps coming "yes dear give your old lady a break son" she said i giggle i took her
Hand and went to the car and took off to the doctor's office.

About ten minutes later

We made it to the doctor's office, I signed my name on the form and went and sat
Back Down where Ena and Rico were at "ready sweetheart, don't be nervous" she said

I smiled at her "Minnie, it's your turn sweetheart" the doctor said I, and Rico got up and so did Ena went to the doctor and into a small little room I sat on the bed

Waiting for the doctor to come back. The doctor opens the door and came in "well hello dear, I'm Dr. Chavez I will be here and be checked on the baby" Dr. Chavez said I nodded

"Okay, so let's check on the baby and see how he/she are doing, " she said, grabbing something behind her "well Mrs. Zanetti you're going to have twins but I don't know what

The genders are waiting until sixteen weeks okay, dear, " she said I nodded I can't believe that I'm going to have twins. I looked down and looked at my stomach "well, I can't wait to do

Meet you guys, " I said, rubbing my stomach "lets go, dear a-" Rico got interrupted by my growling stomach he laughed. "Well, let's get y'all feed how about that" Rico said I

Nodded. I got off the hard bed, but Rico decided to carry me "uh...I can walk, you know," I said he kissed my head "I know, but I wanted to carry you my dear" he said I gently

Slap his chest "aw babe that hurt, " he said I raised my eyebrow "do you want it to hurt" I said he wiggle his eyebrows "okay I do not want to hear what's going on save it for then

Bedroom" Ena said my cheeks turned bright red I hide my face in Rico chest he chuckled. We made it to the car he put me in the back seat and Ena sat in the front

"Okay, dear, where do you want to eat Hun" she said I was thinking until Rico said something "mom, I know where she wants to eat" Rico said Ena put her hands on her hips

Even though we were in the car "and where's that dear" Ena said Rico looked through the rear view mirror "Golden Corral" he said those two words that made me so happy I

Screamed, I slammed my hands over my mouth, they both laughed "okay then let's go eat there shall we" she said I nodded.

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