Who is he?

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1st person unknown POV

I got a call from Mr. America he sounded pretty worried and I was going to ask him what happened until he told me the he had forgotten his files. You'd think a man that's over three hundred years old wouldn't forget his stuff but here we are talking on the phone. I was about to scold him about it until I heard a voice on the other end I couldn't make out what they were saying. I could tell that this person was British meaning it was England oh how I hated him. Anyway after Mr. America had hung up I turned back to me own problem: the states. For the most part they wDrere seated which was good since I wouldn't have to tell them to sit down the problem was getting them to shut up. Except for the fact they won't be quite I started my search for the files Hawaii walked over my way with papers in hand. Noticing the were the papers Mr. America needed she gave them to me quietly I thanked her and ran for the door. Safely making my way out of the room I finally got the peace and quiet I wanted as I walked up the stairs. 'How am I supposed to address Mr. America should i address him as Mr. Jones ughh I don't even know what I don't know...here we go?' Nocking on the huge oak doors of the countries meeting room I hoped Mr. America was going to open the door so I could give him his papers and go.

I was sorely mistaken as the door opened to a very tall and muscular man. 'He kinda reminds me of Mr. Prussia when he was training is for the revolutionary war.' I opened my mouth to but nothing came out except a few mumbles here and there "U-umm I-I-I'm h-here for-for umm...." gazing down at the papers and shuffling them a bit to let him know why I was there. This man let out a sigh and allowed me into the room unfortunately there was ruffly over a hundred eyes looking in my direction. The good thing was before my social anxiety took over I saw Mr. America from across the room. The entire walk there seemed to take forever as if the world was in slow motion and I had just got off a roller coaster. He eventually took the files from my hand and said something to me. 'It almost sounded like he said 'good job' but I feel like there was more to it.....wait I need to tell him he shouldn't be forgetting his things.' "Mr. America you are over three hundred years old you need to stop forgetting your things and start acting a little more responsible and set an example for the rest of us." Mr. America seemed to be put off by my statement until I realized I was in the same room as the other countries. Pailing my hearing seemed to muffle it's self once again as all of the countries started to question America. "Zhat iz enough none of uz know zhiz perzon but if jou do zhen I need to knov nov!" The blondes screeching kinda reminds me of Penny or Ryker I at least now know which country he is. Looking over the Mr. America he was making a hand motion to run for it which I was planing to do anyway. 

While they had their attention on Mr. Germany I slowly crept towards the door to be quickly stopped by the lest liked person among our family England. "Where the bloody hell do you think you're going?!" 'Come on put on a brave face you're almost there  just don't punch him in his very punchable face' "Umm I was heading back...." "To where you git?" "Oh, umm...you see...I can't tell you." "Why?" "I can't for National Security reasons." "Likely bloody story...wait who are you?" "I...uh my n-name i-is.." Looking over to Mr. America he just looked me with pleading eyes telling me not to say a word but I didn't want to leave him with all these people asking questions. I had to get this under control and get back to my meeting before things get to out of control I can already feel the vibrations underneath me from the screaming. 'This is not going to end well." All I could hear was England asking me the same question over and over before I knew it my patience for this man had ran out I hated him I hated what he did the America I hated what he did to us and those feelings from long ago along with something else had resurfaced. "Everybody stop!" 

Just like that every country in this room had been frozen in time along with Mr. America and Mr. England. Walking back to where America was seated I put a hand on his shoulder causing him to join me in the normal flow of time. Now I would have to touch every country to bring them back in the normal flow...or the not so great alternative bringing Mat up here so he can reveres the spell since he's more versed in this kind of stuff. The only problem with that is if I bring him up here they're going to question him and he's no better at secrets than I am, America did not raise liars. 'Better sooner rather than later I suppose.' Starting off with Mr. Canada going to all the countries ending with Mr. England so I wouldn't have to hear his babbling. Walking over to Mr. England I got as close to the door as possible still able to touch him. 'As soon as I no longer make contact he's gonna start talking about stupid stuff' taking a deep breath with the rest of the countries looking at me expectedly "Please forget this happened or at least as act like it... " Making the door slightly ajar I quickly took my off of Mr. England and slid out the door with Mr. America before he had a chance to react leaving the countries behind.

Quickly making our way down the stairs to tell the other states what was heading this way. I was almost to the door when I heard a gun shot. Barley whispering I stood dead still worried that the second I moved all hell would unleash "No...... Oh God no. "                                                                             It was silent.....          

Welp it would seem things are going to happen and noses are getting broken............................... That's all for now paaaaaaaastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.                                                                                                  ~Oh-Nono

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