four. (call her bluff)

Start from the beginning

Nova gulps, taking a few seconds to fully process the situation Murphy's in. She rapidly blinks herself out of her state of shock and rushes to his side, bending down next to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He lifts his head up and jumps instantly, her sudden presence scaring him as, at first, he thought it was one of his torturers back to cause him more damage. But his shoulders relax a little once he realises it's Nova, his screams slowly becoming sobs once he knows he's no longer alone.

Their eyes lock onto each other's and Nova feels almost nauseous at the sight of Murphy. He looks completely battered from head-to-toe, his eyes have dark circles around them as tears flood onto his cheeks, blood covers every inch of his face and body, and his clothes are ripped beyond recognition.

In situations like this, words tend to fail. Neither say anything to each other because Murphy's current state says it all. So Nova doesn't speak. She rips a section of her t-shirt off rather forcefully and runs outside to soak it in some rain water, creating a make-shift cloth. It's the least she can do to help him.

   As Nova reaches to touch his bloodied arm with the cloth, Murphy appears hesitant at first, jerking his arm away from her ever-so-slightly. But she simply raises her eyebrows at him, suggesting that now is not the time to be stubborn, and he allows her to clean his wounds once understanding the severity of his situation. He tries his best to appear strong, but he winces as soon as the cloth touches his open skin.

   Once she gets to his hands, Nova makes a grim discovery, which is most likely the cause of Murphy's screams. All ten of his fingernails have been ripped off, with nothing left but blood pouring out from where his nails should still be. She feels sick to her stomach knowing that her people can willingly put another human being through this much torture purely for their own gain.

   "They...They did this to you?" Her voice trembles, her mind still in complete disbelief. She knew from an early age that her people were cruel to outsiders, but she never would've imagined they would go this far. It's wrong.

     With Murphy still shaking and whimpering, all he can do is nod, confirming her thoughts.

"I am so sorry. I...I don't know what—"

"You don't have to say anything. It's not your fault," he comforts her, but his words are faint, his voice weak. Despite that, she manages to understand him.

Knowing that Murphy doesn't blame her for what's happening, Nova feels the slightest bit relieved, but no matter what he says to her, she will always feel guilty. At the end of the day, she has the choice to free him, but that all comes at a great expense, and one that would change Nova's life forever. She can't risk taking that chance, and that is what weighs heavily on her mind because she feels incredibly selfish. Either choice has irreparable consequences.

   Uncontrollably, Nova's hands start to shake. She's too zoned out to realise what her body is doing until Murphy places his hands over hers, brining her back to reality.

"Hey, calm—calm down, Nova. It's okay," he hushes his voice as his eyes search for hers, but she doesn't meet his gaze. She throws her arms up out of anger, standing up forcefully and throwing the cloth onto the floor.

"No. None of this is okay! It's wrong, they're torturing you and I can't do anything about it! I feel stupid."

A stray tear escapes down Nova's cheek and she just allows it to fall. She would feel inclined to get rid of it if she was facing Murphy, but her back is turned to him, so he can't see her being weak. Feelings overcloud judgement, and weakness isn't tolerated within her community. She's grown up believing that she should be strong no matter what, so being vulnerable to an almost stranger is not an option.

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