Chapter 8

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Right as my eyelids fluttered closed, is when I was dragged back into one place I've always tried to avoid. My deepest darkest secret, the last time when I left my hands to be bare. The day of my 18th birthday, the day I shared with my twin brother. The day started early, the sun shining through the window of our shared room. His side, a golden hue arranged with silver and black accents. While my side was a delicate purple and different hues of blue, which suited my personality. Well, that's what my parents and Oppa had said when they first designed my side of the room.

Tae-Hyun and I were different from Oppa and our parents, we had found out at 15 that we were both adopted as babies. Taehyun was like me except his senses weren't to that maximum like mine, he was a sweetheart in all that he did. But the other relatives would always look down on us. They would purposely cause us trouble and we would constantly get scolded, our 18th birthday felt off. I should have taken better precautions that day. But Tae-Hyun wanted to go to the main garden and pick flowers, I've always been protective over him.

But that day was special both my best friend and her Oppa was with my brother, our mother had asked me to get ready and search for Tae-Hyun. It was almost time for the celebration to start, I ran to my room donning the outfit Tae-Hyun had picked for me.

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That's right we decided to have a pokemon trainer party, I didn't care that we were becoming adults. I love pokemon don't get me wrong, but I did it this way because it was for my brother. I hopped out the balcony doors of our room when I hear my brother cry out. I stopped in my tracks, the thing was his yell sounded from the koi garden. And not the main garden like he said he was going to, I called out for Tae-Hyun. I checked my pockets in a hurry and called for an ambulance.

I found my brother in a crouched position, he was holding his stomach. I grabbed onto his hands, when I saw what he saw my heart broke, it was my father's stepmother who had just stabbed my brother and tried to get someone else to blame for it. I put my brother's head in my lap as brushed my fingers through his hair, everything he did that day going through my thoughts. He grabbed my hand squeezing it in his tight grip, I did my best to hold back my sobs. He reached his hand up and wiped my tears, which only made me cry more.

( play song from above )

"Felice, take care of mom and hyung okay. Don't cry over me, do good in your life. Can you sing me my favorite song, it is our birthday after all." I watched my sister look down at me and slowly nod, her tears more frequent until she forced herself. I watched as the voice of my sister sounded nice when she was sad, but it made it harder for me to hold on more just until she finished it.

I looked down at my baby brother, it was just the two of us. "Tae-Hyun my baby brother, don't leave me alone. I love you please don't leave me, I beg you."  I looked down at my brother as I watched the last teardrops fall from his eyes.

I sat up quickly hitting my head in the process, I felt arms around me telling me not to cry. I looked where my hand was, I saw him looking down at me shocked looks on both of our faces.

"WAIT? HOW CAN I TOUCH AND NOT BREAK OUT?" he practically yelled at me

"WAIT WHY CAN'T I FEEL ANYTHING FROM YOU? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME WHEN I WAS SLEEPING?" I yelled back at him. I laid down again, but sat up hitting my head again. I got so mad and punched the table, taking my anger out on the non human object.

I sighed, "Alright I'll tell you, if you tell me first. But let me go make us some food first before we start, I have a feeeling the both of us won't be getting any sleep no matter how hard we try." I look up at him from under the table and give him a shy smile.

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