Chapter 4

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"Jimin what I have to tell you, may sound unbelievable so I will just show you. Just me mindful of my feelings okay, no running off saying I'm bat shit or anything?!" He laughed at the last part, but my face was 100 % serious.

He nodded his head, I grabbed the water bottle in the bag. I poured a little in my hand, I feel the protective later diminsh from off of my hands.

"I was born special, by just one touch I can feel, hear, taste, see, know everything about you. Hold out your hand, I'm going to place mine in yours."

He brought his hand up, like in a high five position. My hand was so much smaller than his, his pinky was huge compared to mine.

"You're feelings, are clear but with a little bit of doubt. But your doubt isn't about me, it's about how good of a boyfriend you would be for me.

You're seeing me, as I am. You are someone with a kind personality, who is sweet and shy at the same time. This morning you had peppermint ice mouthwash, a cup of cinnamon tea with a hint of vanilla. You love your parents the most in this world. Now your thinking, that I am the most amazing person you've ever met and you don't ever wish to hurt me."

I removed my hand, grabbing the small bottle of gel from my bag. It was snatched out of my hands, having been thrown somewhere behind me.

"You don't need that with me, I rather feel your skin against mine. I want the real you, not the gel covered you. I hope you get use to it, I plan to be with you for a long time."

I was shocked, "You know the last person I was with didn't know this, I didn't trust him enough. My 6th sense told me he wasn't good for me, my 21st birthday proved it for me. He snuck behind my back to sleep with my bestfriend, when I hugged my bestfriend that day that's how I found out."

He pulled me in a hug, it was warm as I placed my hands on his back. I felt his feelings hit me full force, he wasn't lying he meant every word. It brought me too tears, "Besides my family well what's left of them anyways, my ex boss and now you know my secret."

"Thank you Felicity, I promise not to abuse your secret or use it against you ever. Come on, let's go get some noodles and some bbq."

I was so happy in that moment, but that bittersweet moment only lasted for so long.

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