Chanyeol didn't help either. While he wasn't necessarily rude, he was too quiet. While Baekhyun rambled, he only stared, seeming uninterested in anything the brunet said. It made Baekhyun nervous since he couldn't decipher what exactly he could be thinking.

"So what do you do for a living?" asked Baekhyun after a long, awkward pause.

Chanyeol's eyes met his as he bit his bottom lip, seeming to be deep in thought. "I'm game developer."

Baekhyun's mouth fell open at that. "No way! For real?" He asked enthusiastically, letting the façade he'd imposed on himself to fall for a moment.

Smiling slightly for the first time that evening, Chanyeol nodded. "Yeah, I've worked on a couple of big names. Do you like to game?"

Pausing for a moment, Baekhyun remembered the times The Fucker would throw it in his face that all he cared about were his videos games, which was a lie. He liked playing them a lot, sure, but he cared more about the people in his life. He did get carried away a lot, though, and could go hours playing and shutting the world out.

The smaller pondered on whether he should reveal that, but well, Chanyeol was a developer, meaning that he knew how gamers could be. It couldn't hurt to break one of the rules he set for himself that night.

"Yes, I do," he revealed, biting his lip as he thought about whether to continue or not. "I play games here and there. LoL, PUBG, you know? But just occasionally."

"Oh that's cool," replied Chanyeol as his tense shoulders seemed to relax slightly. Satisfied, Baekhyun decided it couldn't hurt to follow that train of conversation. He started to ask questions, his overexcitement shining through the more he spoke to the guy in front of him, but he really couldn't help it. He loved video games.

"What do you work on, Baekhyun?" Asked Chanyeol as he reached over for his cup of wine.

"I'm a lawyer," he said proudly. While he would've preferred to study something else, following on his family's steps and getting into their well-acclaimed firm in the city had been satisfying enough for the smaller. He was pretty good at what he did, too, so he really couldn't complain. He enjoyed what he did, even if it wasn't his dream.

Chanyeol's smile dimmed slightly at that. "O-oh? Lawyer?"

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah, I work at my family's firm and hope to become its CEO one day."

"Which firm?" asked the giant.

"Byun & Co.," he replied.

Chanyeol tensed at that as he nodded. "Oh, I've heard of that one."

Baekhyun knew his family's firm had a reputation. They were the best in the field, after all. "Yeah, well, not to brag, but we're the best."

The taller snorted at that, making Baekhyun frown. "Sure. And you're also full of liars and scumbags," he murmured.

Taken completely aback, Baekhyun sat back on his chair as he tried to analyze his words. What? He knew that the people working under their company could be assholes, but that was normal for any business. He really couldn't understand why he would say something with so much anger. If anything, he was slightly offended by the words since he took pride in the hard work of his family and what they had managed to build.

"Excuse me?"

Chanyeol had his jaw tightened as he ripped a napkin into little pieces, his eyes dark with emotions Baekhyun couldn't decipher. "I said what I said. The people working under your 'firm' are shit."

Raising an eyebrow, Baekhyun tilted his head to the side. "What makes you say that?"

"I just do. Lawyers are like that. You're all liars and cheaters and thieves," he said, his voice filling with venom the more he spoke, his fingers ripping the napkin with more force as his anger build up.

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