Hero || Han Solo

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PROMPT : You were a part of the rebellion against the Empire but in the battle of Endor you couldn't get the job done costing Han Solo who cares for you to make a grave choice

"Would you just look at me, Sweetheart?"You crossed your arms not looking at him. 

The person who almost killed you; Han Solo. 

You were apart of the Rebellion against the Imperial army and Darth Vader or more simply: the Dark Side. In the final battle against them, you had your mission, you were sent to Endor with Han Solo and his team. You had to take down the shield around the Death Star. 

But during the mission, which was going wrong but you honestly did expect this wouldn't be easy, you were inside of building about to Manually take it down while the others distracted the Stormtroopers who were attacking but they were losing time and the others had to make a choice.

And they did.

They blew the building up and honestly you should have died.

You were upset even though you understood it was to beat them but still, they did blow you up. Somehow you survived, you weren't sure how as you haven't spoken to anyone since you have woken up.

When Han Solo came to talk, you actually just didn't look at him as you two were always close since you met but when you were told it was Han who took the shot and blew building it honestly broke your heart.

"Would you just look at me, Sweetheart?" Han pleaded.

You didn't do as he asked as you bit your tongue not wanting to blow up and yell at Han, you knew it was kind of stupid you were so upset but you couldn't help it, Han almost killed you.

"Dammit Y/N," Han hissed under his breath as he sat down next to you before forcing you to look at him, "I'm sorry."

You felt anger fill you as you pushed him away standing up looking down at him, "you're sorry?!"

Finally, you speak which honestly surprised him as he watched silently.

"I trusted you!"

"I know," Han got up as he tried to step forward but you kept your distance, "let me explain-"

"No, I know," you said putting up your hands, "the Rebellion needed the shields down to win and I wasn't going fast enough. It's fine."

Han frowned, "you say it's fine but you still seem angry at me."

You should your head as vulnerability ran all over your face, "I don't know why I'm so mad at you, I-I... I know you're the one who fired at the building."

"Y/N," he stepped forward speaking in a serious tone as you backed up but he grabbed your arm pulling you closer looking you in the eyes, "I did not want to do that. I swear to you, I actually disagreed at first. I was given the order and all I could think about was how you went in there."

You stared confused a tear fell as you spoke, "but you still fired," you shook your head, "which is fine, I unders-"

"Don't say that," Han said in a pleading voice, "don't act like it's okay we almost killed you, you don't have to act like your not hurt by it. I took the shot and when the building went in flames I ran in there," your eyes widened, "I risked my life to make sure you wouldn't lose yours. And honestly we almost both died in there but I got us out on time before the entire building blew."

"Your the one who saved me?"

"Yes, I know I'm the dashing hero," he grinned, "but seriously, I... I'm sorry that I almost killed you, I honestly have felt bad since, I did check on you a million times while you were asleep. When you woke up and I heard you refused to speak to anyone, I got nervous. Nervous you would hate me so I didn't come by. Not until now."

"Han..." You whispered so surprised by his words, you never have seen him be this serious before, it felt... You weren't sure how to describe what it felt like, you didn't even know what to say next as the guilt and worry were all over his face as you were so stuck on what to say... Or do...

He saved you. You knew that much. And you knew how you felt about him. Truly you had a bit of a thing for the Smuggler, ever since you first met him. His personality just made you giddy and being around him just made you happy. You thought you lost that when you found out he almost killed you but now that you know the full story... Be brave. That's all you can do.

You closed your mouth not speaking as he seemed like he was going to say something but you gathered up all your courage before you kissed him.

Han was so taken back but his hand rested on your waist as he kissed you back, you touched his face as you both relished in the kiss.

Once you pulled away Han smiled, "I can't say I expected you to take the first move, totally stole it from me," he commented.

You laughed, "shut up, you deserved it for being 'the dashing hero' remember?"

He smirked, "of course my lady," he swooped his arm around your waist before kissing you again.

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