Chapter four - freedom

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"Excuse me." He inquired the couple coldly, his chin held high. "Could you tell me where the closest mansion of Lord Voldemort's was?"
They seemed startled and a little frightened but replied quite quickly, to James' surprise. "Y-yeah...its about 10 miles from here" the girl answered
"Which direction?" James' asked. Growing impatient.
"North." The man stepped forward, straightening up and puffing out his chest clearly trying to appear intimidating. James had to stifle a laugh, as the man was quite short and thin and not really very intimidating at all, despite his clear efforts.
"Thank you."James said, turning away from them, heading out of hogsmeade, still stifling laughter. He took the north road, knowing his intuition would take him where he needed go from there and just enjoyed the feeling of being free, walking the empty road without any care. He let this carefree feeling take over. Feeling the weight he didn't know was there, lift and feeling light as a feather. 'Being free is one of the best feelings in the world.' James decided. He stopped once or twice at forks in the road but intuition told him where to go. After about an hour or two he stopped short once he saw the faintest sight of Voldemort's mansion. It was just like he remembered it, from what he could see of it, if a little more worn and covered in vegetation. He inhaled deeply and walked the road leading to the front doors.

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Author's note- Sorry for the short chapter, but the chapters are going to start getting a lot longer after this, trust me     d=(☆^w^)

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