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    For some people, Hogwarts was the beginning of their life as a wizard but for James Latrinne Riddle, this was not the case. There was a lot before Hogwarts. There was war, training and murder not seen as murder. You see, James Riddle was the direct offspring of Tom Riddle or better known as Lord Voldemort. Young James was trained at the age of 1 by The Dark Lord's most trusted Death Eater's, then by the Dark Lord himself when he found out one day that James could use his magic without a wand. Since The Dark Lord was on the Ministry Of Magic's most wanted list, James lived in shadows and constant Fear for 11 years until his mother, Bellatrix Lestrange, realized that if she was raising young James, she couldn't focus on the war that was going on and furthermore if the Dark Lord managed to see his plan through to the end, he would need a young heir in ripe condition to inherit the throne. So Bellatrix, following the Dark Lord's instructions through a book, managed to create a pocket dimension in the form of a cave-like library and called it The Library of Time. She filled it with everything she would need to keep a child occupied. (And by that I mean a LOT of books). In order to make this, however, Bellatrix used such a large amount of Power that all the  aurors anywhere in the near vacinity were alerted to her presence and immediately came after her. The very last spell she did was to make sure that the Library of Time would not be found until the right time. At the first sign of the aurors, Bellatrix shoved a petrified James into the Library of Time, sealing it behind him. He could only assume she was caught because he could hear her screams of rage from even in the Library of Time.
   Being so heavily trained in both magic and martial arts, James would have been able to break through the walls of any normal library no problem but the walls might as well have been made out of solid steel, enchanted to never break, as they were made by possibly the most powerful witch of the century.  James could have guessed this but that didn't stop him from trying to break out anyway.
                   All efforts failed.
   Eventually he retired to reading the literal thousands of books his mother had stocked for him, only trying to escape every once in a while. So many days passed James stopped counting. Days upon weeks upon years of doing nothing but reading, learning and practicing turned him into quite the extraordinary wizard. Whether he uses that power for good or evil, God only knows.

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