Chapter 15

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At the doctor's office

The doctor came in through the door with the results of the current state of Lloyd and James. Ben and Edward were trembling with anxiousness, something they have never experienced before .

"Beta, delta. I have good, semi-good, bad and semi-bad news for you." the doctor said with a voice of fear yet reassuring.

"Go with the good news" said Edward the delta "There have been only terrible news so far, at least I can enjoy a minute of something new."

"Both James and Lloyd are in a stable condition. I have given them sleeping pills, enough to keep them like this for one week straight, the time in which I believe that they should be back on their feet. James did required some blood donations. And yeah, the bite marks and DNA tests have concluded: Lloyd is half pure blooded vampire and half alpha blooded wolf."

Edward and Ben just started at each other, not knowing what to say or do but to breath and listen.

"But hey, if we consider..."

"There is nothing to consider !" said Ben , shouting with rage and sadness. "We almost lost our Alpha because of a stupid, brutal vampire. James lost his brother, then his parents died, now I don't want him to lose his sanity."

"No one wants him to lose his sanity, especially after all of that. I want him to be happy, but bear in mind, we probably know more about Lloyd than he does about himself. We are learning bit by bit."

"and bit by bit he will kill us. Four omegas have been tortured at the hands of these beast. I suggest that he should be looked up, shackled tightly with a muzzle on and through deep underground where no one will have to ever split another tear of pain at the fangs of this so called mate."

"Ben that's enough !" Edward stood up and grabbed Ben by his hair ,pulling him backwards. Even if Lloyd is a bad vampire, you have no right to call him beast, monster or anything else. You are not the Moon Goddess here, so don't come up with such inappropriate language, especially since yoiu have no clue what so ever about the whole story."

" The story ended when I realised that no matter what ,James will never reach inner peace. Either he is out or I am ." Ben storms out through the door, leaving Edward and the doctor to swallow all of those words.

" Delta, let's go home. It has been a long way and we need to rest. Our minds are as tormented as the waves caused by an earthquake. We need time."

Edward started to walk around the pack house towards his room. He was confused, stuck between being on the side of his tormented old friend or the side of this new broken soul. Once reached the room, he opens the door only to be encountered by a hand over his mouth. The man hold a tight grib on the delta.

"keep quiet and don't shout. I am here to explain something to you, but before, call your beta and doctor. Only them three and don't anyone else know about this until we finish what needs to be finished."

Edward nodded. That's when he realised that the person holding the tight grib was no one but Alpha Maximus of Lloyd's former pack.

"I might have trespassed on your land but I heard the rumour that the Alpha has enrolled for the roll of Sleeping Beauty. Edward was furious at this insult, but he wanted to know the answers, he would need to stop looking for problems.

"Fine, wait here. You better have a nice explication or else..."

"Or else what ?I know what is going on with Lloyd and what will happen to him. I am his father still."

"You are not his father. You have tortured him in unspeakable ways and don't come to me saying you have done this to protect your pack. You said you have a solution for  this, yet you chose for a dark, isolated prison cell to deal with your problem. You are cowardly avoiding to love and accept your son because of who he is. "

"Maybe what you say is right, but bring your friends here and I shall explain the whole story behind Lloyd's past and the possibility that your alpha's brother is still alive."


Hi fans, sorry for this delay, but hey there is the chapter. Hope you enjoy, I shall update the next chapter this week since it is already done, just needs a bit polishing. Thank you again for support and enjoy this chapter.

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