“Now that,” you say. “Is hell.” Everybody laughs and Alastor walks up next to you. 

“Could I be of assistance?” He asks. You look at him and raised an eyebrow. 

“Your willing to take that thing on?” You ask. He shakes his head no. 

“I can just do this.”  Alastor snaps and the lights fix themselves into a neat little roll in Charlie's hands. 

“Whoa! Thanks Alastor!” She chirps dashing over to the tree. “There are beads and tinsel in the box too! Help me!” 

“Why don’t you use your powers more?” You quiz Alastor as you wobble over to the box. 

“Don’t like to. It’s rude.” You both laugh and you pull out a string of tinsel. Alastor grabs a line of small gold beads and Nifty bounces up along with Vaggie and they both pull little bobbles out of the box. Angel walks up with a little box of candy canes and opens it pulling a few out.

“You can each have one.” He says. “I’ll put the rest on the tree!” You all get to work making a masterpiece in hell. Everybody laughs, tells jokes and just all in all has a good time. Even husk eventually joins in by tying a string around a tiny bottle and hanging it on the tree. Finally done you all step back (or wobble sideways in your case) and take a look at your masterpiece. It was beautiful. 

“Oh wow…” Charlie mutters. You all mumble in agreement. 

“Here.” Alastor says lifting you up. He places a small star in your hand and holds you up to the top of the tree. You giggle and place it gently on the top branch. Alastor gently sets you back down and Charlie asks who wants to turn on the lights. 

“Can I?” Nifty says, bouncing up and down. Charlie laughs and nods, and Nifty bounces behind the tree plugging in the lights. The tree bursts to life with light, and you all gasp. 

“Why haven’t we done this before!?” Charlie says while bouncing onto Vaggie. You all mumble agreements and sit down as Alastor magicly makes the fire come to life. 

“Why don’t we all watch a movie?” You suggest. Charlie nods and bounces over to a box sitting by the fireplace and starts digging. 

“How about bambi?” She says. You had only seen that once when you were alive, and don't really remember it. Looked innocent enough though. Everybody agrees and charlie picks up a remote off the coffee table and clicks a button. A projector over your head whirs to life and Charlie puts the disk in. 

Time skip 

““Faster, faster Bambi! Don't look back! Keep running, KEEP RUNNING!” A gunshot echoes across the screen. You gasp and put your hands over your mouth. 

“They fucking killed his mom?!” Angel screams at the tv. Husk looked disgusted, Nifty was hiding behind you on the couch, and Charlie was crying on Vaggies shoulder. You look over and see Alastor shaking, with a hand over his face. 

“Al? Are you okay?” You ask putting a hand on his shoulder. 

“I’m perfectly fine!” He struggles out. “Why would I be upset about Hunting malpractice!” He growls. You rub his shoulder comfortingly and he lays his head on his arms. “Any hunter worth a damn knows you Don’t hunt does!”  You smile at him and sit up. 

“I guess he’s not the only bad hunter out there.” You say with a laugh gesturing with your broken arm. Everybody laughs and Alastor looks at you with a weird look on his face. 

“Your strange. Did you know that?” You laugh and nod your head. 

“I think its time to turn this off.” You grab the remote and click off the projector. Everybody thanks you. 

“It’s getting late. Do you want to stay here tonight (y/n)?” Charlie asks. You think about it for a moment and go to answer, but Alastor cuts you off. 

“I think we both will be staying here.” He says. “May we have a room key?” You look up at Alastor and he smiles at you. Charlie nods and heads over to the main desk. 

“Here, this is a key to a room with a big bed.” She hands Alastor the key and he thanks her. 

“Come, lets go to bed.” You nod your head and get up, struggling over to the stairs. 

“How am I gonna get up those?” You mutter. You feel two strong arms under you again and you shrug. “Guess that’ll work.” Alastor carries you up the stairs and the rest of the way to the room. 

“Your stuff is in that drawer there.” Alastor says pointing to a dresser. You thank him and head over taking out your silk red pajamas. Alastor heads into the bathroom and you get changed. When he comes back out he has on a light pink tee-shirt and some plaid pants. You slide into the bed and Alastor stands by the side. 

“What are you doing?” You ask. An odd look flits across his face. 

“I don’t know.” He laughs and sits gently on the bed.

“Lay down you dork.” Alastor nods and slides under the sheets. 

“I’ve only ever done this when you have nightmares.” He mumbles. Pink was dusting his cheeks. 

“I don’t bite.” You laugh and Alastor slides a little closer to you. “Seriously? You were really thinking I was gonna bite you?” You snicker and Alastor’s face burns crimson red. 

“No! I was just ...” He goes silent and grumbles under his breath. You roll to face him and stare at his ears. 

“I wonder…” You lift your good hand and start to gently pet one of his ears. “So soft!” You squeal. Alastor glares at you for a moment, then rolls you over throwing an arm over you to hold you down. He then nuzzles his head into the fluff of one of your ears. 

“So soft….” You squirm to try and get away, but Alastor just holds you there. “Sleep.” You sigh and relax into the safe warm embrace. 

(1647 words)
Sorry for takeing so long to update I've been really sick! I'm back now and should be updating more, love you all!

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