Chapter VI

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Jasmine POV



Blackness all around me.

Usually, blackness, the dark, comforts me. But, THIS, this blackness just scared the hell out of me.

Which is weird...

I try turning into a wolf to make me see through the thick darkness. But I just can't. I'm stuck in my human form. Freaking lovely.

I try to touch my surroundings; I stand up and feel something really sharp. Like...TEETH???

I jump back and fall to the cold hard ground, hugging my knees to my chest.

Suddenly, dark green eyes light up the darkness as if searching the room for something from the other side of the room...and then three more with green eyes and two more blue eyes circling on the dark green eyed one.

I want to scream, to warn him. But...I can't. I can't move a muscle.

The overflow of emotions I felt as the green eyed wolf whimpered out in pain as another wolf bit into him was unbearable.

"Stop." I wanted to say.

I hear the wolf whimper again.

"Stop." I wanted to say louder.

I hear a bone crack.

"Stop!" I finally scream, giving away my position in hiding. "Leave. Him. Alone!" I growl, and transform.

I see through my night-visioned eyes three wolves; one was pretty big with green eyes and had dark black fur. Another one was pretty normal size, and had blondish fur with blue eyes that seem to wink at you. The third one, was huge and had chocolate brown fur with blue eyes.

I growl and they all look at me and bare their canine teeth.

I look at the wolf on the floor, looking up at me with begging eyes.

Those eyes look so familiar.

I look back at the other three big bad wolfs, and pounce.


Demetri POV

I knock on the Rivers' front door.

Julian answers. He looks me up and down and says: "I'm guessing you're not here on pack related business?"

"Yeah, is it that obvious?" I ask, rubbing my palms against the back of my neck.

"Come on in dude," Julian says, clamping me on the shoulder.

He holds the door open and I walk past him to see his other two brothers, Nathan attached to the Tv screen watching sports game and Sebastian eyes glued to his computer screen.

"Come on, come on come on come on...come on...come on...Oh! Yes! YES!" Nathan exclaims, and then starts doing a little victory dance which involved him doing the last part of the macarana, putting his hands on his hips and moving them in a circular motion.

He was mid-circle until he made eye contact with me, and he clears his throat; "Sup bro?"

I chuckle and look away.

"Hey Demetri," Sebastian says, not looking away from his laptop screen.

"Hi," I say. "Where's Jasmine?"

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