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November 23 1996, 3:45 AM

Gabrielle cradles her newborn baby in her arms. "It'll be alright, no matter what, you'll be safe, I won't let them get you," Gabrielle says, cradling her baby girl in her arms.

Daniel Rivers, the proud father of this baby, smiles so widely and says, "Our first baby girl...after three boys."

Annabeth Jasmine (AJ) Rivers, Gabrielle's sister, comes running and and exclaims, "The Knight pack has invaded our territory!" And then her gaze drifts towards the baby and she smiles with such compassion. AJ Rivers has never before had a child of her own, or a love.

Nathan runs holding a one year old Julian, and an almost three year old Sebastian hopping and trying to balance on his chubby legs holding onto the back of Nathan's shirt.

"Mommy,"  Five year old Nathan whines. "I'm scareddddd."

"It's alright baby." AJ says, tyring to let Gabrielle relax after just haven given birth.

"Momma," Sebastian says looking over at the little baby girl. "What is that?" Sebastian asks.

"That's your new baby sister," Daniel says, beaming.

AJ, being as they're currently in the middle of the forest because they had no time to get to the house, peeks around some leaves and trees and exclaims, "THEY'RE HERE!"

"Come to daddy," Daniel says, picking up Sebestian and rushing Julian and Nathan behind him for protection.

AJ stands by Gabrielle's side, holding her hand with one hand, and a knife in the other.

The Knight pack's Beta George comes and growls as it steps towards Gabrielle.

"No," Gabrielle begs. "PLEASE don't do this." She chokes back a sob.

The wolf growls and walks foward in response.

Gabrielle stays super still as the wolf looks at the little baby girl in Gabrielle's arms and cocks it head to the side as if to say 'If that is what I think it is, then give it to me and keep your side of the deal'.

Gabrielle shudders and immediatley regrets the deal she made with the Knight pack; heal Julian when he was born because the Rivers pack Omega has been away and there was no one else to heal him, so the deal was when the Knight pack's Alpha had a son, then the Rivers pack would have to give up their first daughter as a slave to the Knight's pack.

"NO." Gabrielle says, her inner wolf clawing to get out, but she wouldn't let it out in front of her innocent baby's little green eyes.

The wolf got ready to pounce and jumps.

And so does AJ.

And thus the rivalry between the Rivers pack and Knight pack began.

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