Chapter I

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October 25, 2012 4:29 PM

Jasmine POV

I walk through the halls of Laguna Hills (in California) High School, waving and saying hello to my peers.

"Hey Jazz," A guy says shooting me guns with his fingers.

"Hey Kevin," I say back, pointing guns at him too and shooting, and he pretends to be shot and die.

"Sup Jazzalini?" Cameron, one of the werewolves from my pack, says to me and puts a thumbs up.

"Wuzzup Camieeee?" I ask, stretching out the 'eee'.


I stick my tongue out at him and keep on walking.

"Hey babe," A very attractive lacrosse player says, sliding his arm around my waist.

"Hey Heathy,"  I say, giving him a peck on the lips.

We start walking down the hallway together, waving and saying hello to everyone.

Well what can I say; the people love me.

"Hey Bro," Erik says, tagging along with us. "You still up for lacrosse practice?"

"Now?" I ask annoyed at Erik, half at the wrong timing and half at his "human-ess".

"Yeah, why not?" My boyfriend says, clearly oblivious to who my annoyance is pointed at.

"Boo bear..." I whine, focusing my annoyance back on Heath. No matter what, I don't want Heath to suspect I know Erik.

"What babe?" He asks.

"You can't miss anymore class, you've missed enough already. I'm worrying about you." I whisper to him so no one would over hear...or in case someone casually conveniently happens to be eavesdropping.

"It's fine, and it's last class. And it's Ms. Rubin...Spanish. I'm sure she'll understand." Heath says.

"She was the one who told principal and now you are on probation!" I say with a scary calm voice.

Heath detects my false tone and knows it's a trap so he says, "Baby...please?"

"Do what you want!" I exclaim, giving up.

We reach my locker at that moment and he gives a wide grin, says "Thanks hun," gives me a sweat kiss and sprints off with Erik towards the exit…totally not getting the hint.

I look after him as he runs with Erik, and then the other lacrosse players, who are majority wolves from my pack, join in until they all look like a pack of wolves.

I giggle to myself about the private joke, but stop as soon as I realize I must crazy laughing all by myself.

Then I sigh. I have the best boyfriend ever...the best human boyfriend anyways. Heath Collins, one of the few attack-men on the lacrosse team for the Black Army Knights.

The attack-men are some of the players that score goals for the team. There are also the Midfielders "Middies", who are finally running around everywhere, scoring goals, taking face-offs, and playing defense. Then there are the Defense...who play defense obviously. Then there is the goalie who blocks and prevents the other team from scoring.

Anyways as I was saying; Heath is the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. He and I met at a lacrosse game when I "accidentally" tripped in front of him and broke my left leg...for a few nights before it healed entirely. I had to fall down two flights of stairs around five times and other procedures to keep it broken. Yeah, it was painful...but totally worth it because now i got the most smokin' hot human boy in school! Not only is it a plus because he is practically perfect, but the most popular boy and girl in school should always be dating. It is, like, a law, or something.

Matched with a MistakeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora