Learning to Write About Love.

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I'm going to learn how to write about love
because I'm perfectly fine writing heartbreak
but I've never learned to write about love
the kind of love that leaves me gasping for more
the kind that has me giddy, and makes my blood sing
and my heart dance to the tune of our love.

I'm going to learn to write about love
even if it kills me,
because It's such injustice how I can make
heartbreak sound so good, and never know
just how to write about our love
Our love deserves more than poetry and books
it deserves novels and journals, songs and albums.
Our love, is not the kind of love we only dream about.
The stuff of fantasies. No, our love is real.

I'm going to learn to write about love
because you deserve to know
and the world deserves to hear
the truth about love, real love.
Maybe the key to writing about love
is in the way your eyes shine
and your mouth twitches into a smile,
or how your hands hold me
grounding me to this very moment
and I know this is where I'm meant to be.

Maybe the secret to writing love
is learning how to write you.
Finding a way to string letters into words,
words that form phrases and sentences,
that somehow paints a picture in your mind
capturing fragments of who you are
and what your love does to me.
And maybe It will take me forever to learn
but I do know one thing,
I have the rest of my life to figure it out with you. 

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