Part 24 accident

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I updated two chapter in a day! For you romanogers2213  ly😂🥺✨❤️
Big chapter.....

She walked down the stairs to the reception but no one was there.She turned around feeling someone behind her.

"Shoot you scared me"she said touching her heart
"That's Good right?"Axel said smirking
"What do you want?"she asked with a straight face
"I want you why don't you answer my calls I wanted to talk to you to hear your voice"Axel said
"Axel are you crazy? I am married"she said showing her ring
"You know that that's not gonna stop me"Axel said
"Darn you I love Steve"she said
"You love me!"he said
"Even if I wasn't marry to Steve you can't have me he has marked me as his I am his and I always will be"she said
"Shut up"Axel yelled grabbing her wrist
"He has my heart my hand my body my soul he has his seed planted on me"she said
"No I will make you l-"Axel tried to say
"You know I really missed my friend Axel"she said
"I was never your friend I was your boyfriend your Axel I had you I was the first one to make sweet love to you"Axel said

Steve was in his comfy clothes and waited for Natasha the door knocked and he thought it was her but it was the food.

He thanked the guy that brought it and wondered where Natasha is why is it taking too long.So he decided to go for her he took the elevator to the lobby.

Where he heard her voice she sounded mad and sad.

"You were forcing me to do things"she said
"Yea but you liked them"Axel said
"Axel please leave me"she said ready to cry

"Natash-"Steve asked who heard her voice
"You again"Steve said angrily pointing at Axel

"Steve not here please"Natasha begged still in Axels hold

Steve took Natasha away from Axel.This isn't gonna end well.

"I told you to stay away what can't you understand you sick bastard"Steve said ready to fight him
"Steve please come"she said suddenly running to the rabbish bin throwing up
"Omg hey Nat are you okay?"Steve asked

She nodded faintly.

"Do you want me to carry you?"Steve asked and she nodded

Steve not giving a f that Axel was there took her in his embrace carrying her to their room.
She closed her eyes feeling his warmth.Thats all she wanted she wanted him only him.

"You okay?"he asked again
"Yes Steve I promise you I didnt know he was gonna be there I promise"she said sobbing
"I know I know baby I am sorry"he said hugging her

"Is he the one who is texting you?"Steve asked
"Yes"she said

He isn't gonna fight in front of her he knows she loves him.But he is gonna give Axel his lesson for hurting his Wife.

Steve fed Natasha and took her to sleep she was really weak these days and he was so worried for her.

"I knew you were gonna to be here"Steve said angrily
"And what brings you here Steve?"Axel asked
"If you text talk or even think about Natasha you are landing yourself in big trouble"Steve warned him
"Let me guess you gonna hurt me?"Axel asked sarcastic
"I will"Steve said
"Go to your doll you left when she was asleep huh?"Axel said laughing
"I am not playing"Steve answered
"Rogers poor Rogers you can dream about everything but Natasha is mine and I will have her by hook or croop no matter how dirty I play"Axel said with a creepy smile on his face
"We are gonna see that"Steve said and left

One week after the trip....

They didn't talk about the event again they were happily enjoining each other nobody can ruin that he didn't ask he didn't make her feel sad again it was a sensible subject for her.

"Be careful"Natasha said as she kissed Steve
"I will"Steve said smiling

Steve left for another Important business trip Natasha would go but she didn't feel good all week and he couldn't force her and he thought it was better cause Axel should be there and when Natasha is away from him it's better.

Natasha smiled as she watched him leave from the door.

"Be quickly we need you daddy"she said in a cute voice

"Hey Nat wanna come? Maria is here we are at the coffee shop"
Natasha smiled at the text

When Natasha walked out there was a woman at her door a guard.

"Good evening miss Rogers where are you going?"she asked
"Excuse me who are you?"Natasha asked
"I am so sorry Mrs Rogers I am your guard Eva"The woman said
"What?"Natasha asked

She called Steve immediately.

"Steve what the fuck guard really?"she yelled
"Relax baby"Steve said
"You really don't trust me?"she asked
"I do trust you it's just for security!"Steve said
"Ugh Steve whatever"she said closing the phone

"I am gonna follow you Mrs Rogers it's my job"the woman said
"It's Romanoff and I am going to my friends"Natasha yelled she didn't want to sound rude but it was just too much
"I am sorry it's my job Mrs Romanoff"The woman said

Natasha didn't know what to think Steve doesn't trust her or what?The night was a hell night for Natasha she couldn't believe that Steve doesn't trust her.

Steve was happy that he took this decision cause when the meeting started he was waiting for Axel but he wasn't there he didn't cake on this one and he was happy he let Eva with her that means he can't approach her.

Her mood changed the morning when she got ready to go see her baby for the first time yes she was pregnant!

But she didn't want the guard to know so she left her phone at home so they couldn't track her and left from the behind garden nobody understand anything or at least she thought!

Steve was coming early this morning to surprise her he was greeted by Eva.

"Natasha? I am home"Steve said searching the house

"Eva did Natasha go?"steve asked
"No sir"Eva said worried
"You can leave"Steve said kindly

He waited for Natasha sitting on the couch when he heard the back door.She walked in smiling going to the kitchen.

"Where were you?"Steve asked
"You came earlier"Natasha said surprisingly
"Where were you?"Steve asked
"What's that supposed to mean?Natasha asked madly
"You were with Axel?"Steve asked madly
"What no"she said
"You are not gonna leave the house without telling me! I know you were with him!"Steve yelled
"I thought you trusted me"Natasha said
"I trusted you!"Steve yelled
"What the fuck Steve you can't have me here all day!"Natasha yelled
"If I want I can"Steve yelled
"I am so done with you I am done"she yelled grabbing her car keys
"Where are you going if you walk out of that door I swear I am gonna loose it"He yelled
"Watch me"she said closing the door behind her
"Natasha!"Steve yelled but it was too late she had left

He calmed down hitting his hand on the table and went to find her but she wasn't at Wanda's she wasn't at her parents where is she?

His phone rang...

"Mr Rogers you wife has been in an accident and she is at the hospital"

He lost the world under his legs.


Is she okay?
Is the baby okay?
Next chapter soon....

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