Part 15 Talk

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Hey it's me Ria hehehe finally posted sorry guys I am so stressed with school right now.But Christmas holidays are coming up I am so excited!

Are you on holidays yet? And if not when are you hoeing them? Let me know in the comments

Anyways enjoy!

After their long making love section they putted their underwear's.Natasha laid her head on Steve's chest as he caressed her hair Both under the covers.

He was thinking what was happening to his life right now he had his beautiful wife which he was obsessed with he had his job their house he was completely but he was missing something maybe a little hand a little presence.

"Natasha?"he asked
"Hmm?"she respond
"I am glad I met your friend yesterday"he said
"Did he say anything stupid?"she asked
"No"he said
"Good"she said

She didn't even looked at him she just curled in his chest while looking at the wall in front of her.He continue caressing her looking at her.

"We actually found similarities"he said
"Such as?"she asked
"He plays football we will play some time"he said
"Oh yea Clint always loved football and so does Cooper you should get him too"she said

'Clint's son'

"You must know Clint for a long time"Steve said
"Yea quite a lot since I was 8 years old we were always playing and hanged out he always helped me out with the boys and everything he protects me and he is scared for me"she said

"With the boys?"Steve asked
"Yep they usually get in my face all the time"she said
"They are doing this while we are together?"Steve asked furious
"Oh well I can handle them"she said

"Don't they see the freaking ring?"he said angry
"Steve baby relax I told you I got them"she said

She turned to look at him and gave him a long peck on the lips trying to calm him.

He didn't speak he trusted her he won't deny her again not after she had proved him wrong after so many times.But other mans approaching her he did this in the first place but he is her fiancé now how dare them don't they see the fucking ring?

"I am sorry"he said
"It's okay"she said
"I really liked Lila and Cooper"Steve said
"Oh yea?"she asked
"Yes of course they are so cute and you can't say no to them you love them and they love you so much"he said
"I love them with all of my heart"she said
"You would be a great mother"he said

Natasha turned and looked at him dead in the eye.So many questions why she thought he understood that she didn't feel ready for children she was scared of the idea okay she for sure loved kids but she couldn't but be scared.

"Are you trying to get to something because if you do you better say it"she said
"Why don't you want to have kids?"He asked
"I want to have kids"she said
"You don't want my kids?"He asked
"What Steve no"she said

She took his face in her hands one more time and careless his cheeks he looked at her dead serious in the eyes.

"I want to have your kids I am just scared let me think about it"she said
"Okay I understand it's not easy but it will be a blessing"he said
"I know it will kids are a bless"she said

"Okay so we are not trying but if it comes by it's own it will be amazing Nat"Steve said
"Yea it will be but it's not gonna come until we ready I am on pills"she said
"What?"He asked

He lifted her up and stand up looking at her in the eyes he didn't know she was taking pills for sure but he didn't use protection he didn't want to and he didn't want her to take pills he wanted his child with her as he imagined her as a mother with his child.They child their love making product.

"Steve you didn't used protection so I am taking pills there is nothing wrong with that"she said
"Nothing wrong? Nat are you serious I am taking to you about kids and you are saying that you are taking pills?"Steve asked

He couldn't believe it he wants her to have his child and she decides to tell him now that she gets pills how can he not know that?

"Baby calm down"she said
"No I am not gonna calm down you are gonna stop getting pills and if it happens it happened"he said
"Steve-"she tried to say
"Please Nat"he begged

"Okay I- I will try to cut them but I am scared Steve I am not gonna be a good mother"she said
"Nat you gonna cut them you won't only try  I promise you will be the best mother"he said

He said as he sat down again hugging her tight leaving a sweet kiss on her forehead.

"You are gonna be a great dad Steve"she said
"I love you Nat"he said
"I love you too Steve"she said

They smiled to each other and kissed.

"You haven't even met Nathaniel he was sleeping"she said laughing
"I really want to though"he said
"I am sure you will"she said
"Thank you for bringing happiness to my life Nat I love you"He said
"Thank you I love you too"she said

Steve relaxed after their little talk section and he was happy that she told him everything.She was happy that she finally confess.They were still tired so they curled in their bed Steve fall asleep immediately starting snoring sweetely.

'I love you Steve and I love kids of course I will love our kids I can't wait' she whispered in his ear.

He smiled in his sleep and she smiled back as she soon fell asleep.

Wouldn't it be cute if there was a little one?
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Next chapter soon...

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