Ch 2 What are the Odds

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Winter: I see. As a Atlesian Specialist I will allow you to take a bullhead back to Beacon.

Hunter: That will be a negative. We plan to meet up with some people in the city close by. Can you lend some supplies to make it to the city and make a call to Ozpin. Sadly our only means to call him got destroyed.

Winter: Very well. Just go to the bullhead and it has some supplies. One more thing.

Y/N: Yes?

Winter: Your names for Ozpin.

Y/N: Y/N L/N and this is Hunter L/N.

They didn't know what a bullhead was at all. Making a guess they thought it was the thing with the troops. Grabbing the supplies they made way to the city.

Y/N: I thought we were going to get caught. I mean what is a bullhead?

Hunter: I'm so glad that we're getting her to call this Ozpin. He sounds important and we could even get a job from the guy doing field missions.

Meanwhile with Winter

Winter: Ozpin?

Ozpin: Winter what do I owe this pleasure for this call? Normally it is General Ironwood who normally does this.

Winter: It's nothing like that but you see I ran into two of your huntsmen. He just provided us with sniper support.

Ozpin: Ah yes. I have more than one in that area so can you clarify?

Winter: A Y/N L/N and Hunter L/N. They wore some kind of blue combat gear. Listen I forgot to thank the two for the support so can do so on my behalf? Not a lot of people would deliberately go out of their way to help. This goes for especially with Atlas forces.

Ozpin knew he did not have huntsmen with those names. Though he did figure that they could be the same figures that were at the village and so took his chances.

Ozpin: I'll make sure to do that. Did he give you a message to relay?

Winter: He mentioned that he is going to the city nearby to meet people.

Ozpin: Well thank you for this news. I will make sure to tell him your gratitude.

With that he hanged up. He figured that this will be done by him personally and meet this fellow.

Back to Y/N and Hunter

Hunter: (chewing) Too bad these MREs do not have bacon.

Y/N: Again with the bacon? Just wait and I think we will get some one day.

After hours Y/N and Hunter finally arrived to the city. Though it was night so they figured it would be best to go to the police station.

Y/N: Do you happen to have anything to call Beacon. I'm afraid that my device managed to get destroyed.

A figure walks in behind Y/N interrupting the officers response.

Ozpin: I will be handling this officers. Now if you can both follow me outside.

Y/N: Who are you?

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