Chapter 34 ♚ Yes, Colby

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Atmosphere's P.O.V:

There's three different types of happiness. There's pleasure, and it's not what you think it might be. But it has to do with 'chasing the high', because we never want to lose that short-term feeling. The other one is passion, whether it has to do with a hobby or actively being involved in something that brings a sense of achievement to your life. And then there's purpose. And purpose has you feeling that you are part of something bigger in life and that your existence matters, which it does. It's one of the long-term happinesses. And it's the one I'm currently feeling.

I never thought in a million years that I would be where I am today, standing in the middle of an abandoned property watching somone that I have grown fond of the last couple of years doing what he loves to do.


His ocean eyes stayed lite as he admired the broken architecture of this scary yet beautiful mansion. Like a kid in a candy store, he felt like he was finally home. He was getting to do things that used to bring him joy in life.... that used to bring him a sense of purpose.

"Love, look at the markings on the front door." He spoke as his fingertips gently glazed the un-human like marks.

I tilted my head slightly to the side, "Looks like something supernatural did that." I responded as I stared at him with loving eyes.

"Maybe..." He mumbled, "Or some kids wanting to scare other visitors away." He chuckled lightly at the thought of that before turning to face me, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, curiosity dripping from his tongue.

"This moment is just bringing back old memories..." I smiled faintly, "Old memories that I wished I could relive again."

He slowly walked down the steps of the porch before stopping in front of me, "I know how you feel." He sighed softly, "But times have changed, I guess."

I shook my head, " We can always change it back." I said, "Slowly, but eventually we can go back to our old roots. You could go back to being that explore boy that loved everything the world had to offer him."

He gave me a weak smile, "Maybe once in a while I will." He whispered, "I don't want to be risky like I was before though. I want Rayn to grow up with a father and mother. Not just one of us, or even neither."

"I agree." I whispered as well, my eyes falling to the dusty dirt underneath our feet as a guilty feeling sunk in my chest, "I'm sorry."

"Why?" He questioned.

"For making you lose the finally years of your youth." I answered as my shiny eyes meet his, "Maybe if you hadn't meet me then you would probably continue doing the things you love and..." His soft lips quickly collide with mine.

I slowly relaxed underneath his warm touch and let my love for him show as we continued letting our lips lock with each other. But soon he pulled away, letting his ring hand caress my left cheek.

"You are the reason and the only reason while I'm in love with life." He whispered, a slight crack in his voice, "You not only brought me a sense of purpose in life, but you gave me another reason to continue on with life."

"Colby..." I whispered, my lips forming into a slight pout as my heart weakly fluttered for him.

"Before you, nothing made sense to me. I was just a boy who was trying to fit in by being someone I was not. But people like Sam, Jake, and especially you, made me realize that truly being me was the best thing I could ever do for myself." He continued to explain his reasoning as to why he loves his new life, "And having you in my life... you don't understand how much I thank God everyday for you, even when I might not believe in him."

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