Who are you?

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The first thing I saw when I woke up was light. There was a light on. And people- well, I'm guessing that the blurry figures that were not trying to kill me were people.

They were talking. Having a conversation about me over my head. I let out a croak, which obviously took the attentions of the clearing figures.

"Who.." I started, "Are you..?" I hate how my voice sounds at the moment, but at least I'm not mute. That would suck. (No means to offend!)

The one at the end of the bed, a black guy with an eyepatch, spoke first. "Well, Mr. di Angelo, I am Nick Fury. How are you feeling?"

That really got to me. How does he know my name? Do I know him but not remember him? Do I have memory loss? Nick Fury? Where am I? Who are these people? What did they do to me?-
Why am I shirtless?!

I'm panicking. What's happening? There's no shadows here. No big ones. I have no escape! Shoot!

They seem to have noticed my panic quickly, and the only woman in the group of 4 came to my side. She whispered reassurances and nothings to me, attempting to calm me. But it wasn't working.
She's acting just like the mother I wish I could have.

Before I could think anything more, a tear fell down my face. That got the group to try harder at keeping my composure, me failing to do so. This was angering! Displeasing, discomforting that I was with strangers that could do anything to me. I was angry and disappointed with myself for not doing better at controlling my emotions. So I laid on my side and closed my eyes, failing to fall asleep.

Next thing I know, there's screams. The doors swing open, and I suddenly get flashbacks from the wars. It was terrible..

The screams of terror, fear and pain live on in my ears. Every time I close my eyes, I now see a gruesome picture in my head from one of those damned wars. When I open them, I see reminders. Reminders that it's too late, that they're never coming back. I sob more. Quietly still, but apparently loud enough to hear.

Then there's someone beside me, hugging me in their arms, softly saying that I would make it, how strong I was for everything I had done, that I wasn't okay now, but was going to be. And I think that made it through to my mind. I looked around through my teary eyes and saw shadows latched onto the people. Oh no..

I let them down, and tried my best to keep the shadows at bay. I looked up at the person who'd just tended to me, and saw a muscled, armored and blonde man on the bed, smiling at me. I was too exhausted to say anything and just laid my head on his chest, crying softly as he patted the small of my back and told me to let it out. I was still quivering, plus I was blabbering, though I didn't know what about.

When I was done, I noticed that I was clinging onto him tightly, pulling back uncertainly. I wiped away my tears, and coughed into my arm, stating that I should probably go now.

A hand touched my shoulder, making me flinch quite visibly. He spoke, and even with the constant buzzing in my ears, I could make it out:

"Nico, are you alright?"

Now I'm freaking out again, but I'm controlling it. Thank the gods.

I take a deep breath. "How do you know my name?" Can't hold my anger though.. "Who do you think you are, huh?! What's going on?! You kidnap me and have the audacity to use my name! What fuckers." I muttered the last sentence. My voice regains it's strength, and I've just earned glances and one glare.

"How old are you, kid?"

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