Kazemaru started attacking Razor. He kicked, punched and dodged attacked made by Razor. He then jumped backwards and took out a grenade. He pulled out a grenade and threw it towards Razor after pulling out the safety pin. The grenade dropped onto the ground in front of Razor and exploded. There was a moment of silence.

"Did you get him?" Tsunami asked.

"I don't know.." Kazemaru muttered and approached the smoke. Suddenly, a hand holding pair of scissors lashed out of the smoke and gashed Kazemaru across the abdomen. Sharp pain could be felt from the wound. Kazemaru's eyes widened in shock as he stumbled backwards, holding his abdomen. Gouenji and the others ran towards him. Kazemaru could feel his world starting to go black as he fell onto is side on the floor while his friends continually shouted his name. He wanted to tell them that he was okay but he obviously wasn't. The pain was just so intense. He couldn't fight anymore. Razor just stood there smirking. Razor was also in bad shape. His shirt was slightly burned, he also seemed injured here and there but overall seemed okay. He even had the nerve to laugh.

"Too bad I didn't manage to cut deep enough~ The intestines and stomach would've fallen out~~ Hontoni zan nen danne (It's really too bad)~ Oh well~" Razor said eyes wide with thirst for blood.

"Teme (Bastard)! Why aren't you dead?!" Tsunami exclaimed.

"Oh that's easy~~ I used that dead body over there as my shield! Ahahahhah!!!! I'm amazing, aren't I!~ It'd be an honor dying in the hands of someone like me!~" Razor exclaimed pointing to a corpse on the ground. It was a miracle it still manage to stay in one piece. Well, maybe two pieces...

"You demon!" Gouenji exclaimed and shot arrows at Razor using his crossbow.

"AHHAHAHAHAH!!!" Razor laughed out loud while dogging the arrows.

"Gouenji, Kazemaru can't fight anymore!" Fidio exclaimed.

"Put him under the table where Haruna and the others are. I'm sure they will take good care of him. We got a serial killer to kill," Gouenji said with a kind of fire in his eyes. Fidio did as he was told.

"Oh? You can kill me??? Try as many times as you can! You will never kill me!~ Ahahahah!" Razor laughed.

"Why can't we? You're just some teenage guy with some serious self-esteem issues holding two pairs of scissors!" Teres exclaimed.

"What?!" Yep. Razor is mad.

Teres and the others started attacking again. All using long-ranged attacks. But Razor dodge them all. Well, except one of Gouenji's arrows. There was an arrow lodged deep in Razor's shoulder.

"AAHHHH!~" Razor seemed to be screaming in excitement and happiness instead of pain. "I'm so happy! It's been some time since the last person manage to injure me this badly! Amazing!"

"You are seriously one crazy dude..." Hiroto said.

Razor started going on a rampage. He kept slicing, attacking, stabbing and punching. Even the five of them were having a little trouble managing Razor. This is going to be one hell of a fight...


Kimiro and Androbella were locked in fierce battle. Kimiro shot her gun at Androbella but Androbella cartwheeled away easily. Kimiro bit her lip and quickly reloaded. Darn, Androbella was quick. She managed to escape all of Kimiro's attacks...

"Kimiro!" Fubuki exclaimed. Kimiro nodded in acknowledgement and continued shooting Androbella. After a few more shots, Kimiro was completely out of bullets. She couldn't refill her gun either. With a curse, she pulled out her contractable spear. Fubuki and Kimiro looked at each other and nodded before charging at the target. Both of them used their weapons to attack Androbella. But Androbella was good. She kept dodging around. More importantly, she has yet to reveal her weapon.

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