Peter goes missing. Pt 2

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A/N same as pt 1 just adding that Nat was raised by fury from the age of 14. The red room still happened but she got out at the age of 14 and fury found her along with her brothers. And a warning, our little petey pie gets hurt.
Peter's POV

I wake up in the same room I've always woken up in, white walls and white lights. I was covered in cuts and bruises. I haven't eaten in days or maybe was it weeks, I couldn't tell anymore. I just hope that mom and the Avengers are okay. When I hear the door open I didn't even flinch.
"Good morning Petey pie" he always called me nicknames as if he was my real dad, like sure he's my biological father, but Tony has always been a real father to me, ever since he recruited me for the Civil war he's been a father to me. He even told me that he had a crush on Natasha who is my mom, once I told him that he spit out his coffee, I smile at the memory. "What are you smiling about"
"Nothing just thinking about who my real father is" I tell him, he came up to me and slapped me across the face
"I am your father boy, not that selfish, drunk, cheating son of a gun"
"He isn't selfish, he was there for me when mom was busy with shield, he helped me through every panic attack, every nightmare, every problem I had. He is more fatherly and present then you'll ever be. He doesn't beat meet senseless or make my mother cry. Everything you do he never did. He isn't even a drunk anymore, he actually looks after himself since me and mom came into his life. And when (This is gonna be long and let me know if I miss anyone) Uncle Steve, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Bruce, Gramps(Fury), Aunt Carol, Uncle Thor, Aunt Valkyrie, Uncle Loki, Aunt Pepper,  Uncle Sam, Uncle Rhodey, Uncle Happy, Uncle Clint, Aunt Laura, Aunt Jane, Uncle Scott, Aunt Hope, Uncle Stephen, T'challa, Shuri, Wanda, Pietro, Aunt May, Mj, Ned, mom, and dad find me you will deeply regret messing with the youngest Avenger."
"You really think they'll find you in time, you worthless little brat. They won't find you, they probably already moved on"
"Your lying they would never abandon me"
"They already did boy" he said, I knew that he was lying, but some part of me was starting to loose hope. What if they never found me, What if he was right and they already moved on. What if they don't even notice I'm gone. No they must still be looking for me, they have to. They love me right. I was brought out of my thoughts by a punch to the face. It hurt like a trucker, but I didn't finish. Then he punch me again and again and again until I was unconscious. And I didn't wake up I just let myself drift off. Then a familiar memory came into my mind.

~Flash back~

I was sitting in the living room with my mom. We were just talking about school. "Peter I need to tell you something" said my mom
"What? If it's about your feelings towards Tony, mom it's fine, it's pretty obvious"
"Is it really that obvious"
"Well in between me, uncle Clint, uncle Scott, Aunt Hope and Aunt Laura yeah it is" she frowned "but that's probably only because we know you the most" I say trying to cheer her up.
"I guess that's right, I just dint know what to do. He probably doesn't even like me back."
"You'll never know until you ask" I say
"But of he doesn't then it'll just be awkward on the field and when ever we're both present in a room"
"Well all I can say is listen to your heart" I say.
"What about you find out if he has a liking towards someone for me, I literally can't be in the same room as him without my cheeks turning red."
"Fine, I'll do it, but only because your my mom and I love you" she wraps her arms around me and kisses my forehead
"That's why I love you to the moon and back my little spider baby." I hug my mom back and we pull apart just as Tony walks into the room.
"Hey Underoos, just wanted to know if you wanted to come to the lab with me" he says then looks up from his phone and see's my mom "o-oh Hi N-Natasha" he said blushing ever so slightly, I look towards my mom and see that she has a light shade of blush on her cheeks
"H-Hey Stark" she says and I stand up, wink toward my mom and make my way to Tony.
"I would love that Mister Stark" I say, even though I knew he wanted me to call him Tony, I just did it to get on his nerves
"It's Tony Kid."
"Uh huh alright Anthony"
"That's just worse"
"Ok Tiny Stank"
"That's Enough Pete"
"Ok Mister Stark, lets just go to the lab and work on my suit"
"Fine, let's go" we make our way to the lab while laughing and we start working, an hour through working we decided to take a break and talk.
"Do you like anyone Tony" I say and he smiles "what" I ask tilting my head to the side like a puppy
"Oh nothing just that you called me Tony"
"No I didn't Mister Stark"
"Mmhm ok. To answer your question yes there is someone special out there, I just don't know if she likes me back."
"Well who is it"
"It's Nat" I smirked "Why are you smiling like that"
"Because I can put a good word for you if you want"
"I'm pretty sure that she'll kill you if you ask her"
"I strongly doubt that"
"Why?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee
"Because she's my mother" I say and he spits out his coffee all over Dum-E.
"WHAT! She's your mother and you didn't tell me"
"You wouldn't have told me you liked her if you knew now would you"
"Probably not, but still please don't tell her anything"
"Why not? She likes you back" he spits out his coffee again
"Mmhm. All you gotta do is ask her on a date"
"Do you think she'll say yes"
"Definitely. I'll help you plan the date to if you want"
"Yes please" and just like that we spent the rest of the night planing my step-father and mom's first date. I woke up to a loud explosion. I jump out of the bed and hid in the corner. Thinking of the song my mom used to sing to me (The song at the top)

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