Career Day

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A/N Peter is 13 and is the biological son of Nat and Tony except he doesn't know about him. His last name is Romanoff. Peter calls Fury Gramps, because he's such a father towards Nat. Sorry, but it's gonna be mean avengers, except Clint. I really do love The Avengers, just decided to change it up a bit.

Peter's POV
It was Career day tomorrow and I had no idea who to bring. Sure I could bring mom, but she might have Shield stuff and working undercover in Stark industries. I could bring uncle Clint, but he might be busy with aunt Laura and the kids. I'll just ask mom when I get home. I start walk out of school with my best friend Ned, when a car pulled up in front of us. When the window rolled down, I was shocked. Mom was there, wearing her usual SI outfit, but she was there. Ned looks towards me and I look towards him.
"Hey Pete, sorry I was late" said my mom.
"Duude! Your mother the Black Widow is picking you up!"
"Like everyday"
"It still so cool" I smile at Ned because of his fanboyness (No I don't know if that's a word).
"See ya later Ned"
"Bye Pete" and I jump into the car with my mom.
"How was school today?" She asks
"It was okay" I tell her a little quiet.
"Is that Flash Kid still bothering you?" She says and I freeze.
"H-How d-did you f-find out?" I ask mentally kicking myself for stuttering.
"I know those bruises aren't from falling down the stairs or running into a wall"
"Yes he is still bothers me, but it's nothing I can't handle"
"If you say so. Anyways what's when we're you gonna tell me about Career day"
"When we got home"
"Good because, I wanna go"
"Is Gramps gonna let you?" I say sounding like a two year old.
"He might." I look at her and she looks at me, hope in my eyes. "I'll talk to him, if you'll help me. He's always had a soft spot for you"
"I know" I say. We arrive at our apartment and we walk in. I smile as I feel the familiar feeling of home. After my father walked out on us when my mom was one month pregnant with me. Even though, she was happy most of the time, I could still hear her cry sometimes late at night. She starts making supper and I go unload my homework in my room. I enter the kitchen again. And set the table for the both of us, then I help her in the kitchen. Once dinner was ready we sat down and ate.
"What job are you going to present tomorrow" I ask genuinely curious.
"Won't you get in trouble"
"Not if I only share the classified information. I can explain what I do, but not in the details"
"I guess so, but we still gotta ask Gramps"
"Why don't we do that after dinner"
"Okay" we continued to eat and talk. Then once I finished cleaning the dishes we decided to call Gramps, he picked up after two rings
"Yes Natasha" he said not really in his family voice, that was only reserved for me mad mom, sometimes Uncle Clint.
"I was just wondering if I could take the day off tomorrow"
"Why, you are on a case at the moment"
"Because tomorrow is career day at Peter's school."
"Yes Nick."
"Then I don't see why not, but what are you supposed to tell your other boss"
"My plan was to call him right after you"
"Then I'll leave you to it."
"Bye Nick"
"Bye Gramps"
"Bye Nat and bye Peter"
And he hung up.
"Can I stay for when you call Tony Stark."
"I don't see why not"
"I won't mom, I promise" then mom video called Tony Stark he picked up almost immediately.
"Tony Stark here"
"I know who you are Stark"
"Oh! Hey Tasha" I froze and looked towards mom, only Uncle Clint and Gramps are aloud to call her that.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me that Stark"
"No can do sweetheart. Anyways what do you want" I see here mom sigh.
"I want to ask if I can call in sick tomorrow"
"Uh why"
"Because it's Career day at my son's school tomorrow"
"You have a son" asks Tony Stark in a rude way
"Of course I do Stark"
"I am having a hard time believing that, tomorrow you could just be going out and Partying with your boyfriend or whatever." He was starting to get really mean towards my mom. He started telling her hurtful things, not caring about hers. Telling her how she would be a terrible mother. Then he said the one thing that I knew would hurt my mother so bad "No wonder he walked out on you"that was the last straw, I could see that mom was about to cry.
"I am so sorry"
"Now your sorry just because you were proven wrong. My mom is the best mother ever created, she tells me she loves me to the moon and back everyday. Yes she did teach me how to fight, as a way to defend myself because Iron man is to occupied showing off to protect the people who get killed from muggers. And she's not going to work tomorrow" I hung up the phone and went to give my mom a hug. She then finally collapsed in my arms and cried. I was definitely my mother's son. After mom cried I went to my room to finish my homework. It was no surprise that I finished it rather quickly, according to my mom I got my smarts from my dad. I finished my homework and went to bed, the next Day I woke up and started getting ready for today. I started putting my shirt on and fell.

Natasha's POV
I wake up and get ready to go to Peter's school. When I hear a giant thump upstairs I go check on him
"Pete what was that."
"Umm I dropped my shirt" he said then opening the door
"That sounded a lot bigger then a shirt"
"Umm that's because I was in it" he said and I started laughing "what it wasn't fun I think I hurt my armkle" I just laugh harder.
"Let's just head to your school"
"Okay can I eat first"
"Of course eggs are in the pan and bacons in the plate, I already had some"
"Okay thanks mom, I love you" and he gives me a hug which I returned
"I love you to the moon and back sweetheart" then we pull apart and he went to go eat. Then we take off to his school. I could tell he was nervous, it was his first year in a new school and his first career day. I squeezed his arm lightly reassuring him. I was in my leather suit, showing everyone that I was the Black widow. Even though his last name was mine, people always assumed that it wasn't me. I exit the car and feel multiple stairs looking towards my way. I ignore them and walk beside Peter, I then realize that it was a bunch of single dads gawking at me. I also saw a lot of kids either looking completely happy to realize that Black Widow was at their school while others looked officially terrified. I follow Peter to his locker and Ned was there with his mom.
"Hi Martha" (I have no idea what's the name of Ned's mom so I made one up) I say and give her a hug. Peter and Ned do there weird handshake and start talking about Star Wars.
"Hey Nat, how are you"
"I'm okay."
"How are you coping with how Bruce left you"
"It's hard, but I'm getting trough"
"I see your sharing your superhero job"
"Well no way am I supporting Stark's company, he's a Jerk, Just like the rest of them, except Clint
"No kidding"

Peter's POV

When the principle told us to meet in the gym I grabbed my moms hand and made our way there. What I didn't expect was to see the whole team there, I knew how they miss treated my mom because she was a girl. Clint was the only one who was overall nice towards her. Then they spot my mom sitting beside me.
"Well well look who it is, it's the female Avenger." Said the one the only Captain America. My mom walks up on stage with me and she looks at them.
"I didn't know you guys would be here. Last time I checked the Avengers were free today, then end up here after I told Stark over here that I was spending the day with my son"
"We decided to make an appearance today is that a problem" said Steve going jog to my mom, then Uncle Clint puts an arm as a means to tell Steve to back off. Then I see him. The man who caused my mother pain everyday since he left. I lock eye contact with him and give him a glare that was worse the my mom's. She taught me well. I tense all over and start walking towards him smiling. I hear my mom say something, but I couldn't find out what.
"Well if it isn't the man who abandoned me and my mother. Hello there pops" I say in a deathly calm voice. I didn't care if he hulked out. I walk closer to him, seeing a look of pure terror on his face. Before I could do anything though I felt Steve try and stop me.
"Back off kid, we're the Avengers you can get thrown in jail for hurting him."
"I'm not gonna hurt him he's my father I just want to talk to him."
"Pete, listen to Steve okay" He said
"Don't you Pete me. You abandoned me and my mom because you didn't want to have any weaknesses. I don't even think that you ever cared for my mom." I say turning to look at all of them. "None of you did. You constantly put her down saying that saving the world shouldn't be up to women. You tell her that she's worthless and useless." I hear my whole school gasp. "You treat her differently because she's a girl, when she could singlehandedly take down all of you. She THE Black Widow for crying out loud, she's a fucking Queen. She can kick hell in the ass while keeping her hair perfectly intact, she can kill a lot of people with guns and not get injured, and unlike all of you assholes she cares about the world, all you guys want is money. Except for Uncle Clint who has stuck by her through everything, he is a true friend. Now get out of my fucking school." I say with all the anger releasing, when the don't move I feel anger return. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING SCHOOL BEFORE I SHOW YOU EVERYTHING THAT MY MOM TAUGHT ME!!!!" I yell and they run. Clint was the only one left behind and ruffled my hair.
"That's definitely your Kid Tasha, he's badass just like his mother"
"Yup and I can't be anymore prouder" then we turn around. Fuck. I finally take in the my whole school just watched that. I rub the back of my neck nervously
"I am so sorry" I say and everyone cheers. And then my eyes land on flash who looks paler then a sheet. I smile and he runs out of the gym terrified for his life. This was a very eventful Career day.

A/N I am so sorry that I made the avengers mean, it kind of gave me and idea for my next story. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Just to remind you that I am free to take request. I am warning you that I am not very active on my stories, just bare with me. Also feel free to give me pointers and let me know if I did any mistakes.

~L C Murray~

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