Chapter Two

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Lami was from a poor family. Her mother had died when she was very young, so she just lived with her father, Mr. N, and her older brother, Samuel.

Mr. N was a kind and gentle man. He enjoyed simple pleasures in life and listened intently to his children. He loved them very much. So when Lami brought the ipod to him, it was no surprise that instead of throwing out the device after hearing the forbidden Christmas music, he actually encouraged it. Of course, word soon spread throughout the small village of Timblestone.

Now, you may expect that everyone shunned the music, and how it encouraged Christmas. But this is not the case. In reality, the oldest of citizens remembered a time before Mr. Leo came into power, and they remembered with joy the cheerful Christmases spent before. So of course, they encouraged the festivities. It's just, noone told Mr. Leo. Noone except for Heechul that is.

Heechul was a sheep owner who spent most of his time spinning wool while his wife, Tiffany spent most of her time being the one who actually hearded the sheep. Heechul was a man who always worked for his own gain. He wasn't bad, and he wasn't completley good either. He did whatever he thought was necessary to survive. And in this instance, he thought it was necessary to inform Mr. Leo of the newest developements.

So Heechul climbed to the top of the mountain, wrapped in woolen blankets and several layers of clothes. With frostbitten fingers, he weakly knocked on Mr. Leo's door.

"Who is it?" Mr. Leo asked without opening the door. "Who dares to disturb me?"

"It is your humble servant, Mr. Heechul the sheephearder, Bergermiester, Miesterberger," Heechul answered weakly. "I have some news that I think may please you."

"What is it?" Still, the door did not open.

"It would seem Bergermiester, Miesterberger, that the villagers have been listening to Christmas music."

The door swung inward and Heechul was blasted with a terrible smell. He coughed and peered into the dim house. Mr. Leo stood there, an angry glare in his eyes. "What? Who is?"

"All of them Mr. Bergermiester, Miesterberger."

"Who started it?"

"Lami, I believe Mr. Bergermiester, Miesterberger. Daughter of Mr. N, the shoemaker."

Mr. Leo stood in deep thought for a long time. "Mr. Heechul the Sheephearder, please inform me of any further developments, but do not fear. Christmas has already passed. And in the new year, there will be so much work that the villagers will forget about this Christmas business and continue on with their usual business." With that, he slammed the door in Heechul's face, ending the conference.

"Well," Heechul muttered as he walked away. "The old grinch could've invited me in to warm my hands at least."

How Kpop Stole Christmas (A Kpop Christmas Special)Where stories live. Discover now