Part 1

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My name is Sarah. Up until about a year ago, I was just your ordinary joe-soap kind of girl. Averagely popular, averagely pretty. I was happy. But all that changed in an instant!


I was awoken, at twelve at night, by my phone chiming on my bedside-table. I reached over to get it and answered.

"Hello? Sarah? " a voice called.

"Yes? Who is this?" I asked.

"It's Catherine! I'm coming down to your house! Be ready in ten minutes!"

Just as I began to protest I was cut off by the sound of the line cut dead. I dragged myself out if bed and sluggishly walked to my wardrobe. I pulled on a t-shirt, pink quarter zip, and jeans. I pulled my mop of brunette curls into a high pony tail.

I heard the purr of a car's engine pull into the drive. I looked out the window and I saw Catherine's Chevy pull into the drive. I jogged down stairs, looked into my mothers room to check if she was asleep. I crept down the hall, and ran to the Chevy. I hopped into the front seat and saw Catherine and Violet.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To a party!" Catherine exclaimed excitedly as she tried to get the truck into gear.

Catherine stomped on the gas pedal. I was thrown back into my seat as I grabbed the door handle.

"Slow down!" I exclaimed! It was bad enough we were going to a party I had no idea about, but I didn't really fancy dying the same night!

"It's fine Sarah! Don't be such a woos" Violet piped up in the back seat. Catherine threw back her head and laughed. I screamed at Catherine to keep her eyes on the road, and that it wasn't funny.

At around half twelve we pulled up the drive of an old house. The windows were broken, the door pushed in and all the lights inside looked like they were from torches.

My heart began to race. "It is okay Sarah" I told myself. "it is only a house." We walked up the footpath covered in toilet paper thrown everywhere, plastic cups and trash. As soon as we walked in the door I got the smell of alcohol. I staggered back to try and get air, overwhelmed by the smell, but the crowd was to thick and in the couple of seconds I was in the room, the door was blocked. I was forced to keep going deeper into the house.

"Sarah!" someone called. I turned around to see Scott, my boyfriend/best friend push his way through the crowd towards me. I was greeted with a reassuring hug.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he knew I didn't like things like this.

"Yeah I am fine thanks." I said as I planted a kiss on his cheek. We made our way into the living room and sat down.

The hours went by and suddenly it was three o'clock. Suddenly a piercing shot ripped through the air. Everyone was screaming. there was people running everywhere. I tried to push through the crowd but I only got as far as the staircase, when I was pushed over and hit my head off the stairs. I fell down, staggering to get up and get out before what ever was in here found me. My heart pounded. I could only hear the pounding in my ears. Suddenly I couldn't move. My legs had given up. Catherine and Violet ran towards me. "Get up!" the shrieked! "Sarah! Please! Oh please, please get up!" but I couldn't. That was when I saw him. I saw the dark figure behind them. I saw him moving closer with every second that went by. Closer and closer. My heart got louder with every step he took. Closer and closer. His hand outstretched. He was coming for me. his hand covered my face and the girls ran. I was left lying there with him. I couldn't breath!

I sat up, covered in sweat. I looked around the dimly lit room.

"It was a dream! It was all a dream!" I laughed! I breathed a sigh of relief. that was the third day in a row he had been in my dream. I slid out of bed and walked towards the door. I heard a floorboard creek behind me. I flicked in the light and turned around. He was there! The man from my dream! He was behind me creeping closer! I watched his evil smile grow bigger and bigger behind his black cloak. I began to scream but I was stopped by the sudden piercing pain in my neck as his fangs penetrated my skin. I felt the slow trickle of blood down my neck. I fell to the floor, my hands clutching my neck, and he was gone. He had left as quick as he had come.

I lay on the floor for what seemed like hours watching my snow white carpet, turn a rich red. I got up and stumbled to my mirror. I gasped. I could barely recognise the ghostly figure standing infront of me. My sallow skin, my dark brown eyes gone. What I saw now was ghostly white skin and brilliant red eyes. I was a monster. he had turned me into a ..Vampire. I began to cry.

"No!" I sobbed! " This can not be!" I threw myself onto my bed and cried and cried! Then I remembered. my mother, my father and brothers. I had to leave. I had to protect them! they meant to much to me, to risk their safety. I had to leave.

I made my way into my mother and fathers room. I walked to their bed and kissed their forehead, and did the same to my brothers. I wrote a note to my family telling them how much I loved them and are sorry I had to leave them, but it had to be, and left it on my mothers dresser. I jumped out the window and landed perfectly on my feet. My senses and stealth had already improved. I began running a tear running down my cheek.

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