"Fucking hell. Oww. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I cried out at the stupidity of my decision. I shoved my hand under running water, rinsing the blood just to see the damage.

"Kara?" I heard Dekes voice as he came into the women's restroom. "Woah, what did you do?" He said walking over to me. As he got closer he saw exactly what I did. "Let me see. You okay now? Feel a little better?" He didn't flinch at the blood as he reached for my hand. I tensed up at the contact, leaning slightly away from him thanks to the nerves. 

"I'm okay, i was just trying to breath, but I couldn't. Normally I hit soft things or punching bags when I get anxious... but it's been bottled up all day and I.. I just needed to be able to breath again. Now I have to pay for a mirror and thats gonna cost me seven years of bad luck.. " He furrowed his eyebrows. 

"Yeah you sure did a number on it." He teased, as he started to rinse the cut out himself even though I told him I was fine. I don't know why but it hurt more than the cuts themselves. I flinched when he ran his thumb over one of the cuts to wipe away the blood. "Sorry. I have to irrigate the wound."

"That hurts worse." He laughed.

"Yeah, but if i don't do it, it'll get infected."

I let him do his thing,and it gave me time to get a good look at the man in front of me. I could smell his cologne, it was woodsy and sweet at the same time. His brown eyes were completely focused on the task,and every few seconds he would twitch his nose. I've noticed a lot of things over the last few months since i've been training with him. I don't know how hes not married yet but god the way he makes me feel.

"I think you need stitches." I heard him speak but didn't catch exactly what he said. His eyes were soft, but when I didn't respond he repeated himself. "You need stitches."

"Thats fi- wait, say what now? I'm sorry I thought you said stitches." I laughed as I looked up at his face. He was serious. "Oh god!" I groaned, throwing my head against his chest not thinking. "I can't do that. Needles and me, we don't get along."

His fingers threaded through my hair. "Sorry sweetheart, but I'll stay with you the whole time, okay? Lets you to the hospital and I'll call your brother on the way." I snapped my head up, face inches from his but he didn't pull away.

"You don't have to take me." I spoke too quickly, he cocked his eyebrow nearly up into his hairline.

"Well you cant drive yourself, even if you had your car; especially after they give you meds. Not to mention your brother would have my ass if I let you drive yourself and he isn't here to take you."

"No, but I can get an cab, I'm sure you need to get to work." His face turned stern, something in his brown eyes made me sit up a little more straight, and pull back just an inch.

"You absolutely are not getting in a strangers car while you're messed on drugs and cant defend yourself. End of discussion." I opened my mouth to argue again but stopped. I knew he was right l so i just looked down. "Exactly, so let me take you."

"No, it's okay, really, I prolly don't even really need stitches just a band-aid." Irritation clouded his handsome features.

"Why won't you just let me take care of you?" He sucked in a harsh breath the moment the words left his lips, eyes widening like saucers as i sat there and looked at him a little taken back by the change in tone.

"It's just a cut, you can relax. I'll even explain in detail to my to my brother." Take care of me? God i'd love that but I gotta keep my distance. He stared at me long enough I started to get uncomfortable. He was making me nervous as hell. A feeling that only grew when he grabbed a hold of my face with both hands.

"I want to take care of you."

"Okay. Okay im sorry. You can take me then." He rolled his eyes at me. This man just really rolled his damn eyes. God if he wasn't so damn hot trying to make sure im okay, I would let him know thats rude.

"No damnit, you're not listening." Does he has a concussion? What's happening right now?

"I want to be the one to take care of you. I want to be the one who makes the bad things in your life disappear. I want to hold you when you cry, be who you call when something good happens, when something bad happens. I want to be the one who makes you smile and laugh because thats all you should do. I want to be the one you make memories with. I want to be the one to go to the hospital with you because you busted your hand. I want to be the one to kiss you goodnight, who wakes up to your messy bedhead and debates calling off to be with you all day. I want to take care of you."

I couldn't speak. He wants me. His eyes lingered on my lips before coming back up to my eyes. He smiled.

"I want to be the one you eventually love." I let out a small chuckle. And He dropped his gaze.

"Deke," You whispered, going onto your toes to press your nose to his. "Don't you know? I've had a thing for you since i got here.."

"Lets get you to the hospital." He kissed my forehead. "Later well talk about everything okay." I nodded and let he lead me outside after he talked to someone about the mirror. I felt like he is going to be the one to lead me away from the past. I just hope I can figure out what to do about my brother...

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