The Trial

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This is it... Today is the day I have to face my past and hopefully put it all behind me once and for all. I started off the morning with no sleep of course,followed by a long shower and minimal makeup. I can't get my anxiety to calm down, and if I'm not thinking about the trial that is in just a about 2 hours; I'm thinking about yesterday with Deacon. I mean seriously what was I thinking. Yeah, he was flirty and what not, he kissed me back and it would have most likely gone further if Jim hadn't came back. Honestly though, I can't let myself do that, it would ruin the relationship with him and my brother thus making it hard for them to work around each other.

I was almost finished getting my stuff together, including an outfit for work if I don't decide to call off; when someone knocked on the door. Since I was getting ready to walk out I just yelled "Just a sec!" I grabbed my keys and opened the door. "Deke?" I asked confused.

"Hey sweetheart. Uh I just didn't feel right letting you drive yourself today. I know you said you would be fine, but your brother and myself would feel much better if you would let me drive you." I sighed and just nodded my head. I wouldn't win and argument right now. I followed him to his vehicle and we started the twenty minute journey to the courthouse. It was silent for the most part, other than the sounds of the radio playing rock music quietly in the background. I could feel the tension between the two of us.

"I'm sorry about yesterday Deacon. I shouldn't have came onto you the way that I did" I stated softly as we pulled in front of the building. He looked over.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I-" I cut him off before he could continue with my hand on the door handle.

"But I do. You work with my brother and I can't mess that up for the group. I'm sorry." And with that I got out and headed inside to where I was meeting with a lawyer. As we were discussing the case I felt Deke come up behind us and place a hand on my lower back almost in a protective manner. When I looked up to turn my head, that's when I saw him. The man of the hour. I felt my body grow rigid as the walked him into the court room. The lawyer finished what she was saying before we had to follow behind into the room.

Everything went as you picture in the movies. We all had to sit and listen and then it was my turn. As I gave my statement in front of all the strange faces, the only thing that kept me together was when I caught a glimpse of Dekes face. He was the only one in the room who didn't look at me with pitty. Afterwords it was Charlies turn. It started off with the "im not guilty" crap, but it got worse. "Ah hell she asked for it! She didn't listen and was disrespectful." He continued until the judge yelled for order and asked the jury to step into another room to come to a decision. We waited an hour before they returned.

"Will the jury foreperson please stand? Has the jury reached aunanimous verdict?" The juror answered with a yes, before handing a paper to the officer standing nearby. The judge read it over before nodding. "The jury finds the defendant guilty of the following. Aggravated Battery." He paused before looking at Charlie. "At this time I feel that you should be sentenced to four years at California State Prison, and with no chance of parole until your third year and that is with good behavior. You are also obligated to pay a fine of $8,000. Court is adjourned." I felt Deke pull me into a hug, but I was still in shock. It actually worked. Hes not an issue for me, as I came back to reality I heard Charlie yell from where he was being help by two security officers.

"I'll kill you when I get out you stupid bitch! I'll kill you!" I couldn't listen to anymore I broke away from Deke and ran out of the room and straight for the bathroom. My anxiety couldn't stay bottled anymore; I started hyperventilating and I was getting dizzy. The only thing that ever helped was a punching bag, but I was in a bathroom with no bag insight obviously. So, I did the only thing I could... I slammed my fist into the bathroom mirror, causing it to shatter leaving splinters of glass in my fist.

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