*Devils Dance

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I just want to preface this by saying this next chapter is 18+ mdni PLEASE!! Also if smutty scenes aren't your thing you're welcome to skip this as it won't be detrimental to the story line.  As always please enjoy!

Sorry it took me longer than I'd like to get this done, but I have rewrote so many parts so many time!
The ride back to Dekes felt different this time, almost like I could already feel what was coming. Deke's hand was on my thigh slowly toying up and down, but never touching where I wanted him most. Each time my legs closed tightly and I'd hear a quiet chuckle from my left. Each time I looked over he was focused on the road, but I didn't fail to notice how we kept going a little faster then we were the last time I looked. As we pulled into the drive, I waited until Deke parked and shut off the car and stepped out before I started to unbuckle. I wanted to take a second to calm my nerves,  because I mean yes we've done a lot together, but we never gone past hands in pants and heavy grinding to get us off like a couple of horny teenagers. Deke just wanted the moment to be "right".

As I reached to open my door Deke was one step ahead of me. He had opened my door and holding a hand out for me which I happily took. Once I was out, he shut the door and took my bag like the gentleman he is before grabbing my hand. What I didn't expect was for him to tug my hand back pulling me into his chest and lifting me bridal style to carry me inside. I started laughing and peppering his neck with kisses. "I can walk ya know Mr kay" I  teased, earning a chuckle from him.

"Yea I know doll. But might as well get used to being in my arms seeing as its where you'll be the rest of the night." He winked as he pulled his house key out sliding it in to unlock the door. As we stepped in he set me down to shut and lock the door and remove his coat. I took the time to remove my shoes and hang my jacket up, and before I even get a chance to turn around fully; my back hits the door with Deacons arms pinning me in on either side. His lips meet mine in a flurry of tongue clashing against tongue, teeth hitting teeth, and small moans leaving not only my mouth but his as well.

Deke pulls back just enough to catch his breath and rests his forhead on mine. "Kara I just need to know for sure you are ready to take it further cause I don't know if I can stop myself anymore. I.. I wanted to make sure you knew this wasn't just me trying to get you in bed with me. I fucking love you Kara Street. An-" I cut him off placing my finger on his lips.

"Dammit Deacon, I've never been more sure about anything in my life than I am about you. Now shut up and take me to bed." I giggle kissing his neck. He smirks.

"Yes ma'am." he says ruining leaning back in for my lips, his tongue sliding across my lips waiting for access which hes quickly granted. His hands slide down from my waist to my ass, and stops on the back of my thighs. "Jump." He demands.  I could hear the switch in his voice, this wasn't my soft sweet boyfriend. No, this was the man who was going to wreck me for any other man (as if id ever want another). He carried me to the bedroom, kicking the door open before tossing me on the bed. I couldnt hold in the giggle that came out causing him to laugh a little too. 

I sat up making eye contact with him as he slowly bends himself over me on the edge of the bed. He trails a hand up from each of my thighs, up to my shoulders where he started slowly sliding the straps of my dress off my shoulders. He started leaving kisses down my neck and across my collar bone as he pulled the dress further down, finally freeing my breasts. I had decided against a bra because I didn't want to bother with hiding the strap. Deke let out a grunt before leaning down and taking one of my nipples in his mouth.

"S-shit Deke" I moaned. My hand went to the back of his hair as I arched into his touch. The hand not in his hair tugged at his shirt. "Off. " I breathed out. " Not fair if I'm the only one losing clothes officer." I giggle as he rips the shirt over his head. I sit up and start to undo his belt, followed by the button and zipper. He stood tall and pulled them down leaving him in just his boxers. He smirks before leaning back down and ripping my dress down the rest of my body. He leaves a trail of kisses from my knee, slowly up my thigh, across my stomach and up to my neck. He ran a hand down my right thigh pulling it up to his waist as he lowered more of his body weight on me. I could feel him snug against me in the one place I needed him, with only his boxers and my think lace panties separating us…  but it wasn't enough. I needed more.

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