Im okay. Im fine.

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"HE did what?!" I yelled. Deacon had just told me about what happened yesterday. About how Hondo drove my brother into a semi that was a bomb! We may not really be speaking but… not cool. "Please. Please tell me there were no other options… that.  That could have killed them Deke." He sighed nodding his head.

"Yea but it didn't they are 100% okay. And at the time I don't think there was another option sweetheart. That truck was headed for a farmers market full of people. It's alright." I sighed and finished getting dressed. I know no none of these guys would take unnessacary risks, but I don't feel any better about it.

"How everything with the team gonna be with street off the team? I know it can't be easy now that you down a man."

"Alright, I gotta get going sweetheart, call me if you need anything okay?" He smiles kissing my cheek. "Have a good day today. You said your heading back here after work right?" I turn to face him. He had brought me home this morning so I could get ready for work since I had him pick me up last night.

"Yep. Need to do laundry and wanna hang with luca." I wrap my arms around his neck. "Make sure you're careful today. Call me when you got home?" He nods kissing me again before he heads for the door. Once I was ready I left the house and stopped by the coffee shop next to the Tinsley and grabbed my coffee and a sandwhich. Once my order was called I grabbed it and headed next door. I wanted to get a head start on going over our budget and get a plan for promotions started.

"Morning Miss. Street!" I sigh looking over at my group of morning room cleaners.

"For the thousandth time just call me Kara!" I laugh heading to the office. "If you guys need me I'll be in the office most of today otherwise find Kevin since hes on the clock today too!"

Deacons pov

"Our primary target is Mack Drummond. Chances are he'll have a Haitian wingman named Sal Desir with him. He's the guy who brings the kids over before they auction 'em off." Hondo said giving us the run down of today's target.

"After he buys 'em off their parents."

"What kind of lowlife sells
children as servants?" I sigh shaking my head.

"The kind about to get
served a smackdown." Beni, the guy filling in while were down a man without street speaks up.

"Poor kids. I mean, the lucky ones end up as only servants." Luca says

"Well, these guys are as low as they come. They could be holding up to a dozen child hostages, waiting to auction 'em off. So be sure of your targets. Watch your backstops and beyond. We're gonna run a covert
clearing off of me. I want to be right
on top of these guys before they even
know we're there." Hondo finished off

We carefully made our way in the building.  We sectioned off into two teams to be sure we could clear the building as uickly as possible so we could get the kids out safely. Than was following behind me and as we turned the corner, I got sight of one of our suspects.

"Hands! Hands where I can see 'em." I yell catching visual of one of our targets, run across to another room. I headed after him and he was trying to get out of the window so I yanked him back down and onto his stomach. "Go. Code 4." I said looking at Tan.  Hondo had the main suspect and the kids in another room down the hall.

As I was getting getting ready to cuff the suspect, the entire building started shaking. I heard Luca yell about an earthquake and then everything went black.

"Deke! You hear me in there? Deke! You hear me in there? Deacon! Deke." I came to hearing Tan yelling through the wall. I groaned stretching my arm out. I tried moving but my leg had gotten pinned under some rubble during the quake.

Her knight in BlueDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora