Chapter 4

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I slowly came to and looked around. I was in the train car and most of the children were crowded around me. I felt uneasy and tried to push myself up a little but immediately grabbed my head and ribs. The pain instantly went down a lot and I got into a comfortable position. I was In the same seat I got in when I got on the train. Far left back.

The conductor noticed me waking up and came over me. He motioned for the kids to sit down and they did. He stood by the seat and handed me a pain killer. I shook my head no and he gave me a confused expression.

"Son, I'm surprised your even moving right now. You took all the impact for that kid. And the train went from 20 to 0 in a few seconds. You shouldn't even be awake right now."

"I have my methods"

"I bet you do. We're about to hand out drinks. Hope you don't mind hot chocolate" I grimaced a little but stopped and smiled. I don't like hot chocolate, or coffee, it's to hot and it burn my tongue every time I drink it. I wait like 30 minutes before even having a sip. It's just to dang hot.

"No I don't mind. How do we get it. Do you give it to us or do you cooks on this train as well." I half joked, he smiled and started walking away.

"You'll see. Just know there's a little jingle." I smiled and rolled my eyes. A jingle? Sounds nice. The conductor walked over to his micro phone and picked it up. In the background I heard drums starting to play in the background. What the?

"Does anyone by any chance need any refreshments" all the kids cheered and I just laughed. They raised there hands and so did I. I feel like it's going to be more then a jingle.

"I thought so" he puts it back it's place and puts his hand on the door. The drums stop as he reaches for it. He pulls it open and about ten to fifteen people come rushing threw the doors. I jump in my seat as they come rushing in moving the chairs and adding...tables? There's nothing there how can they add tables.

"Hot hot" ohhh great. One of these.


After the song ended I decided to hold my hot chocolate for a minute before drinking it. I put it to my lips and took a big gulp. My eyes widened and I immediately threw down the window and spit it out. It was so hot. Ahhh.

"Well that wasn't a good idea." I put my half filled mug aside and stood up. I'll let it cool off before drinking it. I stood up and stretched.

I noticed the little black girl get up with a full cup of hot chocolate and start walking towards me. I knew she wasn't stopping so I stuck my arm out and she stopped. She looked at me with a serious glare before the nerd kid spoke up.

"You know it's against regulation for a child to cross the cars without a grownup." She turned from me and looked at him.

"I think I'll be ok." She tried to argue.

"I doubt that. I'm coming with you because I don't trust a 9 year old going across train cars." She muttered under her breath something about being ten but it didn't matter because the conductor came up and looked down at the girl.

"What's this i hear. Did he get any refreshments" the girl shook her head no and the conductor almost jumped as he said his next words.

"Then let's bring him some by all means." He grabbed the chocolate and the two went out the door and to the other car. I just stared awwwd and confused. That conductor is something else.

I shrugged my shoulders and sat back in my seat. It was about another minute before the boy in the blue Robe started walking towards the door as well, and with a ticket as well. I grumbled and stood up and blocked his path.

"Kid, just because the conductor went with someone to the other side doesn't mean you should" he looked at the ticket in his hand and then looked down, I felt a little guilty. I rubbed my hand across my face and sighed. He could just be moving seats for I know.

"I just wanted to return it to her" I looked at the ticket and my eyes narrowed. It wasn't punched which means that the conductor hasn't seen it yet. Damn guess we should give it to her.

"Ok kid. Give me the ticket, I'll do it" he gazed at the ticket again before handing it to me. I took it and put it in my pocket, Jean pocket. It fit nicely in my pocket.

I motioned for the kid to sit down and he went quickly. I turned to look at the window door and saw the conductor and the child giving the other one hot Chocolate, It made me smile a little. I opened the first door and stepped into the cold corridor. It was chilly but not that bad.

I took a breath and opened the second door to the outside. Now it was cold and the bumps on the train didn't help. I closed the door and looked around. The snow was raging and the Train even harder. The couples holding the train together shook a couple of times but that was all.

I jumped from one side to the other and grabbed the safety bars in case I or someone else fell. I sighed in relief and was about to open the door when I felt a hand grab the ticket in my back pocket and pull it out. I turned around and saw the boy standing there with the ticket in his hand.

"What are you doing!"

"I wanted to do it myself, I know I can"

"You'll get yourself killed that's what's going to happen."

"No I got it" after he finished saying that the ticket flew out of his hand and I jumped at it. I grabbed the safety bar but it was to late as it flew away. I stared as it flew to the front of the train. I herd running and turned to see the kid not there. I growled and walked back into the train car only to see the kid waving his arms out the window as if he was trying to grab something. I rolled my eyes and stood the same spot with my arms crossed.

The kid turned around and looked at me. He downcast his eye and I glared.

"Good job kid. Not only will she get in trouble but  she might get kicked off the train." He tried to open his mouth to speak but I just continued glaring so he didn't even think about it.

I walked back to my seat and sat down closing my eyes. Maybe I can sleep for the next five minutes of this ride.

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