"It's the 'bad part' of the town. People that live there known as the drugs addict, illegal things dealer, and just those kind of stuff"

"Oh my god, really?" I said after gasping in shock. I've never been to Rishton before and I know nothing about the place.

"Yes, Mister, that's why I asked if you were sure about your destination."

"I'm trying to save my friend there, he... he got kidnapped"

"Are you going to save your friend all alone?"

"Unfortunately, yes..."

"I can be your backup if you want,"

"No, you don't have to. But thanks, though"

"It's fine, I would gladly help. You seem to really care about this friend of yours"

"He is more than just a friend to me, he means more than that."

"Are you guys in a relationship or something?"

"Sort of," I said, shrugging lightly. The driver then turned towards me, his lips crooked in a smirk.

"So you're trying to be the hero yeah?"

"Eh, I don't?"

"Well, you're no use then." He said before suddenly grabbing my arm and tried to inject something to me. I was quick to react though. I snapped the injection and bite the driver's hand. He screamed in agony and I took that as the chance to hop off of the moving vehicle.

I fell harshly to the ground, got some scratch quite plenty but that didn't stop me. I ran to the crowded area, blending in like I'm villager there. I slowed down my run and walk properly. Once my breath started to calm down, I grabbed my phone and tell Blake to hurry up before I opened my maps application again and put in the address. It's not that far anymore, just three blocks away.

I feel my phone vibrating, so I fished it out from my pocket and look at Blake's message.
From: Rich
Reece, are you okay? Where are you anyway? We're almost there, and as you wish we're not using cops car.

To: Rich
On my way. The driver was an asshole and tried to fucking inject me with strange liquid, but I'm alright, I manage to defend myself and get off of that hellish taxi.

From: Rich
I'll be there in 20, mate

I pocketed my phone back before speeding up my pace. The red dot keeps getting closer and closer as time went by and my heart rate beating faster and faster from all the walk and adrenaline. This thing got even real as I saw that I finally in the red dot. It's a now-or-never situation and if I chicken out, George's life may be in danger and I would feel guilty all my life if I can't save him. I tried to control my breath as I walked around the house. All the houses here are really, really bad. Like it looks like the houses almost falling down.

I saw a back door for the house I've been looking for, there's also a small window beside it. I peeked through it, seeing that the house is all calm and pretty dim. The small window barely gave light to the house but I still can see what's inside. I checked my pocket knife, feeling the slim metal in my left back pocket and right front pocket. I think I got this, if I get harmed at least Blake will be here in a blink.

To: Rich
Imma goes inside, the house is the number 13B one, park in a decent distance from the house, please. There's a back door anyway. See you later, B

I grab the pocket knife from my back pocket, holding it tightly in my right hand, making sure it goes unnoticed before slowly twisting the doorknob and turned out it's not locked, feel like a trick than a treat. I walked inside the rusty house, looking to my right and left in full awareness. I saw a set of stairs that probably will lead me to bedrooms. I climbed through it carefully, stacking up my alert.

I saw an opened doorway and walked towards it. I froze on my way saw that George was laid unconsciously on the bed, no clothes covering him other than his undergarment. I walked closer toward him but was pulled back by a strong pair of arms, keeping me locked in their grip. I kicked them in the groin and then twisted my knife, slicing his arms wide open. Blood started to flow out from the wound as he keeps cursing me for kicking and injuring him. I kicked him a few more time, making him falling out cold before I ran towards George. I crowded him into my arms, shaking him lightly to try to wake him up.

"G! G, please! It's me Reece, wake up, please!" I said half yelling as I slap his face gently. He gave no response so I shook him harder and tried to slap him again and again.

"G, it's not funny. You need to wake up, Smiffy" Tears start to pour down from my eyes, dropping to his face in little drops. I keep mumbling his name over and over again as I shook and slapped him. He still gave no response making me cry harder. I heard some movement from behind me, but give no mind to it as my main focus is George to wake up.

"Smiffy, eh?" The man said with raspy voice. I turned my body towards him, glaring to his way while he started to laugh loudly.

"I don't get it, how could you love someone as pathetic as him?" He asked, laughing again making me sending him an even sharper glare. He walked closer to me, wrapping his nasty arms around my shoulders as he pressed his body towards mine. I hold my breath, thinking it was safer if he know I wouldn't react.

"So useless and can't even behave. Made me spent my precious baby to just get him where I want. Keep screaming and throwing tantrum every time I'm trying to have my way with him. But in the end, he was there, laying hopelessly beneath me as I pounded into him, trapping him into the oblivion until he passed out and can't even wake up for another day. Turns out, my feeling for him was nothing but pure lust because of his blue orbs." I keep in silence, fighting back my chocked tears as he starts to peppered kisses along my neck.

"Cat got your tongue, hero?"

"I bet he won't even wake up anymore, I made him bleed a lot last night, feeling his tight muscle wrapped around me for more than four hours and then fuck his pretty mouth when he was already unconscious. Such heaven for me to have a slave like him, I've never felt that great in my whole life, cumming so hard again and again until I can't even understand as to how could I hold that much fluid inside my body, covering him with my seed and made him dripping from it. I think if you dip your finger into his hole, you can still feel my seed flowing inside him." He said then started chuckling darkly beside my ear.

I heard the front door burst open, along with heavy footsteps. Soon, Blake was in the room with two officers with him. The officers held their guns high, aiming it towards the mad weirdo.

"Get off of him or I'll shoot you," The taller one said.

"I already got shoot today, both with Heroin and another thing" The mad man answered which weirdly made the officer just smirk before a loud bang was heard.

"I'm not joking when I said that" He said, smiling towards me. I nodded my head firmly, saying a silent thank you. The two officers pocketed their guns before dragging the mad man away from me, leaving the three of us alone.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but George's hasn't budged yet and that devil said that he won't wake up again."

"The ambulance is downstairs, I'll help you carry him"

"No, thank you. I can manage." I flashed him a grateful smile as I slowly picked George up, carrying him bridal style down the stairs and into the ambulance.

"Put him on the stretcher," The paramedic said. I laid him down carefully then stepped aside.

"He lost lots of blood, we need to hurry him to the hospital." The other one said.

"Can I drive with you? He's my boyfriend, please" I said, begging a bit.

"Sure, hop on, young man"

Blake smiled at me reassuringly, patting my back lightly before he let me step into the ambulance.

"I'll be there soon, you go there, Bibs!"

"'lright. Thanks, Rich" I flashed him another smile before the paramedic closed the ambulance's door. 

I bet @GAYJORJ gonna hate me even more since I  keep teasing her. But babe, you'll get what you want next chapter, I promise you on this 🖤

And @GeorgesSurreyFanGirl  here you get what you want, G and R get back together 🙃

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