New Adventure

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Poppy's mind was blown with the info that was just given to her, meanwhile Branch just stood still with a bewildered expression. (So Branch was suprised but not totally suprised?!😅)

"Oh my Troll! That's such a suprise! Dad! What trolls are we under!?" Poppy squealed in delught meanwhile Branch's bewildered expression faded into that of just a soft smile as he watched Poppy jump up and down in excitement.

"Poppy, dear, we are descendants of the most significant element, the balance element, now Branch, as this informationis only free for the royal family and the maintainer, I'd like for you to keep it a secret, even from you and Poppy's friends. The only reason I thought you should know aswell is because your like a hero to us trolls after the part you played in our time of need." Peppy explained to Branch, him nodding in reply.

"Wait! Dad! Do you know who the maintainer is?!" Poppy asked clutching unto Branch for support as she got a bit dizzy from the jumoing and spinning. (Ya gurl probs just wanna hold unto her mannn.)

Peppy shook his head no, (Ha! You aint getting to juicy stuff yet bro's! :P) "Unlike the other types of trolls, for some reason, the maintainer for the Balance element wants to remain anonymous, the reasons are yet clear to me, so only the makntainer knows who the maintainer is." Peppy explained.

Poppy sighed in disappointment, "Well I bet whoever it is, is a nice, charming, and caring troll." she said with a soft smile.

"So, where exactly does the problem lie?" Branch said.

"Something might have happened to the rock element maintainer." Peppy said with a tone of concern.

"Wait! Then how can we help?!" Poppy exclaimed.

"Either find out who the balance maintainer is and ask for his help, or travel to other element type trolls and ask help from their element maintainer." Peppy explained to Poppy and Branch.

"Sir, if you find out who the balance maknatainer is in our village, what can they do to help?" Branch asked.

"Well really, I dont know, but I'd say your best bet is to find out who he is and head to the Rock Troll Kingdom, there you can find out what happened to the earth element maintainer." Peppy explained once again to Poppy and Branch.

"Why cant me, Branch and the snack pack just go? We managed to survive the bergens." Poppy asked curiously.

"Because you see dear, each element troll territory is actually guarded by a special force, only fellow maintainers, or allowed maintainers can get it, also the road to each territory is filled with deadly traps." Peppy explained to Poppy.

"I guess we'll have to know who the balance maintainer is then? Unless another element maintainer happened to be in the village." Branch sighed, Peppy nodded in reply.

"Then I guess we cant waste anymore time." Branch said with determination in his voice.

"But Branch didn't you just hear? We xant without-." Poppy started as she was cut of with a few of the things in the house started to float.

"What the?" Poppy muttered.

"I'm...Sorta the...Maintainer." Branch said with a scratch of his head, making Poppy exclaim in shock.



Kinda not surprising for those who read the original story...Well if you remember that is.

Anyway, hope you like it!


Tragedy Ends at Some Point, Right?: Broppy Fanfic[On Haitus]Where stories live. Discover now