
It would be a mistake. You didn't even know why you decided to go and meet Malfoy. You told yourself you wouldn't but your head was full of questions about the kiss you hadn't stop thinking about and you had a need to know what he was going to say to you.

The time was 10:50pm and you was sat up in bed staring into the darkness. The rest of the girls in your dorm were already asleep. You was ready to go but you guessed you was nervous about what Malfoy would say.

You carefully stepped out of your dorm and down the stairs to the common room. It was completely silent. You made your way through the corridors rubbing your arms to keep them warm. You was so cold even though you was wearing a jumper. The door to get outside was literally about 10 steps away when you heard footsteps behind you. Your heart began to beat faster and you ran out the castle and down the hill, you say ran but more like stumbled down the hill as you misjudged how steep it was. The rest of the way there you was paranoid that Filch was behind you and you was freezing.

You stood outside of the greenhouses and searched for Malfoy, but you couldn't see him. "If that boy has made me come out at this time and hasn't even turned up." You muttered pacing behind the greenhouses.

"Y/L/N." You heard from in front of you.

"Where did you come from? The castle is over there." You said pointing behind you. It looked like Malfoy had came from the Forbidden forest.

"I was bored." He shrugged and walked past you to the back of the greenhouse and leaned against it. "Thought you wasn't going to show up."

"Neither did I." You replied and stood beside him. "Why did you want to meet here? Why not somewhere, I don't know... warmer and with less snow on the ground?"

"Because nobody checks here as they can't be arsed." He replied. "And if they do, it's easy to get away. Are you cold?"

"Of course I'm cold. I'm absolutely freezing it's nearly December." You responded rubbing your hands to keep them warm.

"Pity." He remarked and yawned. You rolled your eyes at him.

"What did you want to talk about?" You asked.

"You know what I want to talk about."

"The kiss." You mumbled.

"I don't know why I did it." Malfoy said.

"Well normally when you kiss someone it means you like them." You chuckled. "Or you decided to be a prick."

"Second one." Malfoy smirked.

"If you're just going to make stupid remarks I'm leaving." You warned. "I'm tired and cold."

"It's not a stupid remark." He defended.

"Okay then, so you kissed me just for a laugh?" You asked pushing yourself off the wall. He smirked at you and nodded. "You are unbelievable! I didn't come here for you to just joke about it Malfoy." You said.

"Why are you taking it so personally?" He asked.

"Because you kissed me Malfoy!" You exclaimed. "You don't kiss people just for your own amusement."

"Where are you going?" Malfoy questioned as you turned away from him.

"To bed." You replied. You was about to walk away when Malfoy grabbed your hand. You turned around and scowled at him.

"Y/L/N." He began and pushed himself off the wall, stepping closer to you and still holding your hand. "I didn't kiss you for the fun of it. I kissed you because it felt right."

"What do you mean it felt right? You hate me Malfoy." You asked.

"You kissed me back remember and you hate me." He replied.

"I stopped the kiss. Why did you kiss me?" You asked.

"Why did you?"

"Stop turning the questions around on me Malfoy! Just answer the question, why did you kiss me?" You questioned removing your hand from his.

"I don't know Y/L/N. I said I didn't know before." Malfoy replied running his hands through his hair.

"So if you don't know why you kissed me then-"

You was stopped by Malfoy's lips against yours, but it didn't last long because you stepped away from him.

"You can't do that Malfoy! Not when you don't even know why you kissed me before!" You said nearly shouting at him. "If you hate me, stop making me think you don't."

"I don't hate you!" He shouted. "I don't hate you Y/L/N." He repeated softer.

"What?" You asked in disbelief.

"I'm not repeating myself again." Malfoy replied.

"I heard you I'm just shocked." You replied and leaned against the greenhouse.

Neither of you spoke to each other. You were both too busy gathering your thoughts. You was staring out at the forest and biting your lip nervously and Malfoy had his arms folded by the side of you and was tapping his foot.

"Y/L/N." Malfoy began and stood in front of you. "Just forget I said anything." He said.

"No, i'm just confused. Do you like me?" You asked. Malfoy shrugged looking down at the floor and putting his hands in his pockets. "Malfoy you can't keep kissing me if you won't answer simple questions."

"It's not simple Y/L/N!" He snapped at you. You was taken back by his change in voice as you watched him run his hand through his hair again. Malfoy leaned back against the greenhouse and sighed. You stood in front of him and observed how his eyes seemed to get darker when he began talking. "My father, he wouldn't approve." He said glancing at you. "That's why i needed to talk to you Y/L/N. He can't find out i kissed you."

"You tried to kiss me again tonight. Why do it if you knew your father wouldn't like it?" You asked. 

"I couldn't help it Y/L/N." He breathed.

"So what do you want to do Malfoy?" You asked.

"Just don't tell anybody and-"

"Pretend it didn't happen?" You asked finishing his sentence. Malfoy looked down at the grass and nodded. "Okay then." You sighed in frustration. "Guess i will head back then Malfoy and forget that this all happened if that's what you want." You said quietly. You waited a couple of seconds to see if he would stop you but he didn't.

On your way back you felt like there was knot in your stomach because Malfoy just wanted to forget that he kissed you. Every single time you and Malfoy got along he would tell you to not tell people or to forget it happened and it made you feel so angry. Why should it be up to him to decide and to play with your feelings? The closer you got to the castle the more and more furious you became with Malfoy.


Double update because why not
hello, this chapter is a bit of a mess lol but oh well.

hope you enjoyed if you did remember to vote :)


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